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时间:2017-03-31 18:38来源:毕业论文

关键字:留沪高校毕业生   困境   社会融入   
   Stay-in-Shanghai college graduates are students of higher education who eventually choose to work in Shanghai. Recent years,this group of people is getting bigger and bigger, which caught the attention of many scholars. Being a freshman in the society, they are facing with various kinds of difficulties,such as housing,living and career, etc.From the perspective of social work,this research mainly focus on the difficulties and the causes which stay-in-Shanghai college graduates are facing in order to adapt and blend in this city. This thesis can also to some extent attract the social attention and support to this group of people as well as decrease or even eliminate the obstacles of their development,which is benificial for their better development and intergration into this city.Its significance to , and is able to obtain the social from all walks of life pay more attention and support, this group to help it to reduce or eliminate barriers, its development can make it better and faster development  

Keywords: Stay-in-Shanghai college graduates  difficulties  intergration into the society
1 绪论    3
1.1 研究背景及意义    4
1.2 研究综述    6
2 理论框架与研究方法    7
2.1. 理论框架    8
3.2 研究方法    9
3 数据分析    11
4.1样本的基本情况    11
4.2留沪高校毕业生发展状况及其相关因素分析    11
4.3留沪高校毕业生的发展困境    14
4.4 留沪高校毕业生发展困境产生的原因    16
4 结论及建议    19
4.1 结论    19
5.2建议    20
致  谢    23
参考文献    24
1 绪论
 1.1 研究背景及意义
对于留沪高校毕业生而言,高生活成本是他们最大的难题。一般而言,房租就要占去他们工资的1/4-1/3,加上其他的日常开销,存钱就变得及其困难,很多毕业生几乎全是“月光”,在如此居高不下的房价背景下,买房对他们来说基本就是天方夜谭。对于拿到上海户口的外地毕业生来说,在上海扎根是最主流和正常的想法,除非留沪后发现极不适应上海的环境。而对于尚未拥有上海户口的外地毕业生而言,是否坚持留沪存在很大的变动性。坚持留沪的那群毕业生除了向往大城市的生活和想要在上海实现理想外,还有其他原因。其中包括很多外地毕业生不愿回家就业是为了不在家乡父老面前丢脸,因为他们中的多数人来自中小城市甚至农村,能到上海上大学被认为是件很光荣的事,让他们在上海若干年后一事无成地回去实在脸面无光。 社会工作视角下上海高校毕业生发展困境研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_4544.html