本文在梳理国内外相关研究的基础上对出境游不文明行为的相关概念进行界定;通过对海外领队和不文明行为当事人的访谈,以及对出境游游客和港澳台居民及境外留学生的问卷调查,综合分析了出境游不文明行为产生的原因,并最终提出了相应的改善对策,以便规范我国公民出境游行为,提升我国旅游形象。46563 毕业论文关键词:出境游;不文明行为;原因;对策
The research of this paper is because that with the rapid development of economy, the outbound travel is almost normal in recent years.The number of Chinese citizen outbound tourism continues to hit record high,and the outbound tourism market is quite popular in the world.However,the improper behavior of outbound tourism occurred constantly for the cultural differences and the quality of tourist good and bad mixed together,which triggered big exposures by domestic and foreign media,and the exposures have seriously affected the image of China.So,it is an urgent problem to regulate the civilized tourism,then "Civilization tourism" has become a hot topic of China and research object.
This thesis to define several concepts about the improper behaviors of outbound tourists on the basis of previous studies in related field.It concludes the reason that cause behaviors by interviewing some tour guides in charge of outbound tourism and several tourists themselves behaving improperly,and adopting the method of questionnaire survey to find out the attitudes of outbound tourists,the residents in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,and the students studying abroad toward improper behaviors of outbound tourists.Though analysis, this thesis brings about some strategies to solve this problem,with an aim to proper the tourists’ behaviors and improve the image of them.
Key Words: outbound tourism, uncivilized behavior, cause, measure
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2研究内容与方法 1
第二章 相关理论基础 3
2.1国内外相关研究 3
2.2相关概念 4
第三章 对出境旅游者不文明行为的调查 6
3.1访谈设计及统计结果 6
3.2问卷调查 7
第四章 出境旅游者不文明行为现象及原因分析 13
4.1出境游不文明旅游行为现象 13
4.2出境旅游者不文明行为产生的原因 15
第五章 出境旅游者不文明行为的相关对策 18
5.1完善相关法律法规,增强执行力 18
5.2加大处罚力度、舆论监督 18
5.3提高对文明旅游的引导 18
5.4加强国民素质教育 19
5.5完善基础设施配套和服务 19
结束语 20
致 谢 21
参考文献 22
附录A 24
附录B 26
第一章 绪论