Abstract : With the rapid development of Internet in our country, the number of Internet users increase year by year, the online shopping environment and the system is gradually improving, more and more people begin to try to online shopping this new way of shopping. In this context, a variety of research related to the online shopping also increasingly rich, different angles of research is applied to all aspects of the online shopping. The richness of the online shopping goods, low price, convenience of shopping and group identity makes the college students as the main body of online shopping. This article mainly research the price sensitivity of college students' online shopping. Through empirical research, from two dimensions of prices search tendencies and importance, it is concluded that college students in accessories and digital telecommunication and accessories price sensitivity of the two types of commodities was obviously higher than that of supplies, food and health products. On the basis, electricity can be attached to the goods in higher price sensitivity, through other influence factors to reduce the college students' online price sensitivity, at the same time of meetting consumer demand, making the network retailers maximize or satisfactory profits.
Keyword: College students;online shopping;price; price sensitivity
1绪论 3
1.1研究背景和意义 3
1.1.1研究背景 3
1.1.2研究意义 4
1.2研究内容 4
1.3研究方法 4
1.4本文创新点 4
2文献综述 5
2.1在校大学生网络购物影响因素研究综述 5
2.2在校大学生网络购物价格相关研究综述 6
2.3研究存在的问题 7
3在校大学生网购价格敏感性分析和假设 7
3.1网络购物相关概念界定 7
3.2价格敏感性理论 8
3.3在校大学生网购价格敏感性分析和假设 8
3.3.1 影响大学生网购价格选择的因素分析 8
3.3.2 不同影响因素对价格选择影响度分析 9
3.3.3 大学生网购意向对价格变动关系分析 10
3.3.4 大学生不同网购商品价格敏感性分析与假设 10