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时间:2020-05-19 21:12来源:毕业论文



The Development of Aging Industry Predicament with the Government Support


 In recent years, China's economy is developing rapidly at the same time, social development has also aging. Faced with this "old before it gets rich" a severe test, must be actively developing aging industry in China, understanding the connotation and characteristics of aging industry, take control of aging industry development present situation and development goals, its unbalanced development and understanding in place, imbalance of supply and demand, enabling effective and other senior industry development, and analysis. Then has targeted of perfect aging industry of Government support, give aging industry enough of funds support, balance area between of differences; survey aging market do targeted, enhanced industry of predictive; guide elderly change consumption concept, improve consumption subject of enthusiasm; building aging industry policy support system, highlights joined of innovation elements, out of an article has China features of, and meet China aging industry development needs of road.

Key Words: Aging industry   Government support   Innovation elements 

目  录

摘  要


目  录

一  老龄产业的发展现状与目标 1

(一)老龄产业的内涵与特征 1

(二)老龄产业的发展现状 2

(三)老龄产业的发展目标 2

二 老龄产业的发展困境 3

(一)老龄产业发展不平衡 3

(二)对老龄产业的认识不到位 3

(三)老龄产业供需不均衡 4

(四)对老龄产业的政策扶持不得力 4

三 老龄产业发展困境的成因分析 5

(一)经济收入的限制 5

(二)养老意愿与养老需求的混同 6

(三)传统观念的束缚 6

(四)政策制约的影响 7

四 完善老龄产业的政府扶持 7

(一)给予老龄产业足够的资金支持,平衡地区间的差异 7

(二)调查老龄市场做到有的放矢,增强产业的预见性 8

(三)引导老年人转变消费观念,提高消费主体的积极性 老龄产业的发展困境与政府扶持:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_52141.html
