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时间:2020-06-14 16:15来源:毕业论文



The study about the influence factors of Mei Cai Net’s logistics cost


In recent years, with the popularity of mobile Internet, e-commerce has been a great development, many Venture Company have locked in the field of agricultural products fresh electronic business. But the majority of business to take the business model is still with the traditional business consistent B2C mode, Mei Cai Net uses is B2B mode, it send the fresh agricultural products for 10 million small and medium-sized restaurant, If restaurant owners order on the phone,Mei Cai will sent the restaurant needed all the dishes to the restaurant before 7 o'clock in the next morning . Looks very simple flow but need to go through quality control, quality control, warehousing, logistics, distribution and other aspects of the work of the coordination of the various aspects of the coordination. Mei Cai in the creation of less than two years, and constantly on the road to explore and polish, has become China's largest development of agricultural products.

  Key Words:Mei Cai Net;  electronic commerce;  logistics cost;  cost control

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一  引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)研究内容 2

二  相关理论基础 3

(一)电子商务 3

(二)物流成本 3

(三)成本控制 4

三  美菜网相关研究 4

(一)美菜网简介 4

(二)美菜网特点 6

(三)美菜网物流成本存在的问题 8

四  美菜网物流成本的影响因素研究 9

(一)美菜网物流成本的影响因素 9

(二)控制美菜网物流成本的建议 12

五  结束语 14

参考文献 15

一  引言


我国地域辽阔,气候多样,盛产各种农产品,因此一直是个农业大国。据国家统计局数据表明:2015年全国粮食总产量达到12429亿斤,其中,稻谷产量为4165亿斤,小麦产量为2604亿斤,玉米产量为4492亿斤,人均粮食占有量达到了453公斤,比世界的平均水平还高53公斤;蔬菜、水果和茶叶产量分别达到78727万吨、27344万吨和224万吨;肉类总产量为8625万吨,水产品产量为6690万吨;棉花产量为561万吨,油料产量达到3547万吨,糖料产量为12529万吨,可见农业也一直是我国重大的经济支柱。但是随着农业在不断地发展,不仅人们发现了许多商机,也使得许多问题暴露的更加明显。 美菜网物流成本的影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_54423.html
