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时间:2021-01-22 23:20来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关 键 词:龙景生态农庄,战略,战略环境,战略选择

Abstract: Every enterprise want to realize sustainable development in a constantly changing market environment,it must attaches great importance to the rationalization of strategic environment analysis and the reasonable choice of strategy. That the strategic environment of HongZe Long jing ecological farm faces includes: the policy,economic, social, technological environment,the macro environment; Existing industry competitors, the invaders, alternative manufacturers, buyers and suppliers,the industry environment; Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,the micro environment,and find that it has great development prospects and development space,but also has the problems of a theme positioning fuzzy, serious product homogeniey phenomenon, non-cultivation of backbone industries, etc. To solve these problems, this paper put forward to realize the further development of the farm that it should take the characteristic operation strategy, brand strategy and strategic alliance.

Keywords: Long jing ecological farm,Strategy,Strategic environment,Strategic option

1  前言 4

1.1  选题的背景及意义 4

1.2  国内外研究综述 5

1.2.1  国外研究现状 5

1.2.2  国内研究状况 5

1.3  研究方法 6

2  龙景生态农庄的基本情况 6

3  龙景生态农庄的战略环境分析 6

3.1  宏观环境分析(PEST分析法) 6

3.1.1  政策环境 6

3.1.2  经济环境 7

3.1.3  社会环境 7

3.1.4  技术环境 8

3.2  行业环境分析  (波特五力模型) 8

3.2.1  同行业现有竞争者 8

3.2.2  入侵者研究 9

3.2.3  替代品生产商研究 9

3.2.4  购买者研究 10

3.2.5  供应商研究 13

3.3  微观环境分析(SWOT分析) 14

3.3.1  优势(S) 14

3.3.2  劣势(W) 14

3.3.3  机会(O) 15

3.3.4  威胁(T) 15

4  龙景生态农庄的战略选择 16

4.1  特色化战略 16

4.2  品牌战略 洪泽龙景生态农庄战略环境分析+PEST+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68759.html
