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时间:2021-03-05 19:47来源:毕业论文


关键词:参与民主 公共政策 公民参与 政治参与机制

毕业论文外 文 摘 要

Title  Mechanism of citizen participation in public decision of local government:study on the Xiamen PX project as an example

Abstract This article take Xiamen PX project event as an example, by reference to relevant literature, integrating existing and breakthrough point of research on the events, find the government public policy itself’s inherent defects and the insufficiency is the trigger mechanism of citizen participation, mainly "discourse in" the citizen participation, the involved of the network gradually become an important channel, Xiamen PX event presented the abnormal features of participation, and news attention has significant effects on citizen participation, the government ensure implementation of citizen's political participation through the institutional innovation, and following the author is based on public policy perspective and take participatory democratic theory as the foundation, this paper mainly discusses at the present stage our country citizen politics participation degree and morphology, as well as the flaws of the citizen participation in local government, and further study of local government in our country should establish the mechanism of how to absorb the citizen's political participation, so as to ensure the civic participation legitimately and orderly.

Keywords: participatory democracy;public policy;citizen participation;political participation mechanism

1  引 言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1厦门PX事件概述 1

1.1.2  厦门PX项目后续 2

1.2研究意义 2

1.3研究方法 3

2 公共政策中的公民参与理论 3

2.1 参与民主理论 3

2.1.1 参与民主理论概述 3

2.1.2参与式民主在我国的实施可能性 5

2.1.3 我国公民参与发展的可能模式 6

2.2 公共政策理论 6

2.3 公民参与 7

2.3.1 参与主体 7

2.3.2 参与客体 8

2.3.3 参与途径 9

2.3.4 参与条件 10

2.3.5 公民参与的动机 10

3 我国地方政府公共决策中公民参与研究 10

3.1我国地方政府公民参与公共决策的现状 10

3.1.1 厦门PX事件中公民参与决策现状 10

3.1.2我国公共政策制定中公民参与的发展历程 地方政府公共决策中公民参与机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_70920.html
