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时间:2021-06-06 23:01来源:毕业论文

摘要随着微博的流行和广泛使用,自2011年以来,一种全新的慈善公益模式——“微公益”迅速发展,在逐渐广泛的领域内充分发挥着它的影响力。但其蓬勃发展的背后所潜伏的问题也不可小觑,如果不及时加以纠正规范,必然将会造成一些凸出的问题,从而影响了微博的公益形象与公信力。因此, 文章从微博公益的视角出发来研究其公益形象与公信力的相关问题。全文的重要内容大致可以分为绪论部分,包括研究背景、研究意义与方法内容等组成部分,同时也对微博公益形象与公信力相关概念的界定;其次,对文章中关于公益与公信力相关理论的阐述;再次,对微博公益形象与公信力现状与原因的描述;最后,提出对策,对如何打造微博公益形象与公信力进行几点思考与建议。   68019


毕业论文关键词   微博    公益形象   公信力 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   Study on the public image and credibility of the micro-blog


With the development and widely used of micro-blog ,a new charity mode -- "micro public welfare" have rapidly developed since 2011,which plays important role in extensive field gradually. But some serious problems should not overlooked behind the vigorous development , which will cause some obvious problems if not corrected in time, and will affect the public image and credibility of the micro-blog. Therefore, the article study the relevant problems about public image and credibility of micro-blog from the perspective of the micro-blog public welfare. The full text is pided into several parts: First, the introduction part, including research background, research significance and method of content components. And introduce some the related concepts of micro-blog public image and credibility .Second, the article describe theory about the public interest and public trust .Third, the article write the situation and causes of micro-blog public image and credibility. Fourth, to put forward the suggestions of how to build public image and credibility of micro-blog. 

Meanwhile, the article from the "Beijing rain" "Ya' an earthquake" and other related events to led to the situation  of micro-blog public image and credibility , and defining related concepts of public image and credibility, and describing  the challenges and dilemmas which micro-blog public image and credibility is currently facing. Using the method of literature analysis and case data to reach the problem, analyzing the reasons from the perspective of legal, economic, audience and so on, at the same time, proposing some constructive suggestions on how to enhance the public image and credibility of the micro-blog and countermeasures in view of the current situation .

Keywords   Micro-blog    Public image    Credibility

目   次

1  绪论

1.1  研究背景 . .1

1.2  研究意义  2

1.3  国内外研究现状2

1.3.1  国内研究现状2

1.3.2  国外研究现状2

1.4  研究方法3

1.4.1  文献资料研究3 微博的公益形象与公信力研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_76412.html
