摘 要员工满意度是指员工对酒店提供的食、住、福利待遇等方面抱有的期望值与实际享受到的待遇比较后,所得出的满意水平。尽人皆知,酒店员工是酒店的日常运行的关键,酒店员工又直接对客服务,所以员工的满意度是实现顾客满意度的保证,因此作为一个酒店企业要想拥有一个良好的客户满意度,就更要注重员工的工作态度、心理情绪及服务理念。现今,我国的酒店业员工普遍存对酒店行业的满意度较低现象,这极大地影响了酒店行业服务质量的提高和健康发展。下面我将以镇江国际饭店为例,通过对镇江国际饭店员工满意度的调查分析,找到存在的问题及解决的方法和途径。69018
Study on the Employee Satisfaction Degree of Hotel International in Zhenjiang
Employee satisfaction refers to the self perception or evaluation which is formed by the comparison of the perceived effect of the enterprise to the enterprise's expectations. As is known to all, the hotel staff is the soul of hotel enterprises, and hotel employee satisfaction has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, so as the hotel enterprise to want to have good customer satisfaction, but also to pay attention to the employee's work attitude, psychological emotion and service concept. Nowadays, China's hotel industry employees generally have a low degree of satisfaction with the hotel industry, which greatly affects the quality of the hotel industry to improve the quality of service and healthy development. Below I will take Zhenjiang International Hotel as an example,through the investigation and analysis of Zhenjiang International Hotel employee satisfaction, to find the existing problems and solutions and ways.
Key Words: employee satisfaction; customer satisfaction; people oriented
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目录 Ⅲ
一、引言 1
二、酒店员工满意度的重要性 1
四、影响员工满意度的主要因素 2
(一)薪酬体系与福利制度 2
(二)工作与生活环境 3
(三)工作时间与劳动强度 4
(四)企业文化 4
五、提高酒店员工满意度的途径 4
(一)建立科学有效的薪酬制度 4
(二)营造良好工作环境 5
(三)强化员工培训、重视员工职业生涯规划 6
(四)营造“以人为本”的酒店文化 6
参考文献 7
一 引言
酒店在运营过程中,要权衡规划指标的完成水平、服务质量水准、员工的工作效能、是否达到预期目标等[1],这是饭店盈利的基础。饭店盈利的来源是顾客,顾客的消费不仅取决于酒店的硬件环境还取决于员工的服务,所以员工的满足度又与顾客的满足度存在联系,而员工的满意值又受员工自身对工作的期望值、实际工作环境的优劣、工资待遇的高低、企业文化是否丰富及人际关系的和谐与否等方面的影响,所以针对这些方面镇江国际饭店还应进行改善,若是饭店职工期望值大于实际工作状况,那么就容易产生不满的情感;若是员工期望值小于实际工作状况,就会产生满意感。当员工期望得到满足后,在服务的过程中就会更透彻的落实企业理念,更乐意为客人服务;相反,当员工期望不能得到满足,就会把反面情绪带到工作中,从而影响客人的满意度。论文网 镇江国际饭店员工满意度研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_77747.html