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时间:2021-08-14 14:44来源:毕业论文



Abstract:After a long period of progress and development of initial start-up and grow-up stage, the household electrical appliance industry has been much more mature gradually. And the market has formed a trend of persification due to the competition of market, the increasingly change of distribution channels and the intervention of internet high-tech. Currently, HuiYin household electrical appliance market has performed less actively, and the previous distribution channels have not satisfied the household electrical appliance market any more. Besides, the new channel mode of marketing has deficiency in the operation. The development history of HuiYin Household Appliances marketing channels have introduced firstly,followed by the introduction and analysis of the new channel model, which included chain stores have been setted up , the city market to the rural market, and the physical store shift to network platform patterns.We found information communicated difficulties,the market price was the lack of management and network platform unskilled. At last, the article putted forward some constructive suggestions for the development of the future which have been based on the feedback from the consumers.

Keywords:  HuiYin household electrical appliances,marketing channel,trend


1. 引言 3

2. 概念界定与我国家电行业营销渠道概述 3

2.1营销渠道的定义 3

2.2家电行业营销渠道发展过程 3

2.3家电行业营销渠道的现状 4

3. 汇银家电营销渠道现状分析 4

3.1汇银家电营销渠道变化趋势 4

3.2汇银家电连锁企业迅速发展 4

3.3汇银家电渠道经营的重点范围 5

3.4农村家电市场的变化 5

3.5汇银家电开辟新型商业模式—农村加盟店 5

4. 汇银家电营销渠道发展的困境 6

4.1信息传递存在阻碍 6

4.2市场管理不足导致市场价格混乱 6

4.3线上平台APP使用率低下 8

4.4终端市场售后销售能力不足 8

5. 汇银家电营销渠道的改进建议 8

5.1建立家电连锁渠道、加强信息沟通 8

5.2控制自我市场的价格 9

5.3加强APP的宣传和使用 9
