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时间:2021-08-23 19:58来源:毕业论文


Volunteer service is the behavior that volunteers are not paid, voluntary contributed in their own time and energy to help others. At present, in the city of Hangzhou ,there are many volunteer service such as smile pavilion、public bicycle、respecting aged、 traffic civilization persuasion and the subway volunteer service,     long duration and providing convenience for a large number of Hangzhou’s citizens and visitors. However, due to the large number of volunteers, service point scattered,relevant security work does not reach the designated position, at the same time, some government departments and the volunteer service organization for volunteers without enough attention,and the incentive mechanism is not very clear. "The smile of the volunteer is the most beautiful  gold card of Hangzhou." The government and the voluntary service organizations should improve the volunteer service of incentive mechanism, form institutionalized regulations, protect the basic rights and interests of the volunteers, to strengthen the concern of the volunteers in order that volunteers for volunteer service has always been full of confidence.

毕业论文关键词:志愿者; 志愿服务; 激励机制

Keyword:volunteer;volunteer service;incentive mechanism

目    录

1. 志愿服务激励机制的基本内涵 4

    1.1 志愿服务激励机制的必要性 -4

1.1.1 志愿服务促进了公民社会的培育 -4

1.1.2 志愿服务有利于志愿者自我价值的实现 -4

1.2 志愿服务激励机制的内容 -5

1.2.1 志愿服务的回报 -5

1.2.2 灵活有效的管理 -5

2. 杭州市志愿服务激励机制的现状及不足 5

 2.1 杭州市志愿服务的激励机制概况 -5

2.1.1 开展了志愿者注册登记、志愿服务培训工作 -5

    2.1.2 志愿者的激励逐渐体现在服务的全过程 -6

 2.2 杭州市志愿服务的激励机制的不足之处 -6

2.2.1 激励方式单一,过分强调精神激励 -6

2.2.2 负激励的执行力度有待加强 -6

2.2.3 志愿者培训力度不够 -7

2.2.4 志愿服务经费不足 -7

2.2.5 志愿者关怀力度不够 -7

3. 杭州市志愿服务激励机制完善的建议 8

    3.1 经费激励,确保志愿者服务可持续发展 8

3.2 参与激励,满足志愿者尊重需要,增强志愿者集体身份认同 -8

3.3 情感激励,满足志愿者爱与归属需要,加大志愿者人文关怀 -8

3.4 荣誉激励,实现志愿者自我价值 8


    “志愿者是一个没有国界的名称,指的是不为任何物质报酬的情况下,为改进社会而提供服务,贡献个人时间及精神的人,是不受私人利益的驱使,不受法律的强制,基于道义、信念、良知、同情心和责任而从事公益事业的任何人群。” 因此,不分贫贱富贵、不分种族国家,只要有着“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神都可以成为一名志愿者。 杭州市志愿服务的激励机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_80736.html
