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时间:2021-09-23 21:25来源:毕业论文



Research on Volunteer Service Behavior of Employees

Abstract:With the Chinese economy taking off, corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept has been widely popular in recent years。 In the embryonic period of corporate social responsibility development, corporate volunteers play a vital role in effectively linking employees, communities, governments, and non-profit organizations to work with companies to solve problems that can not be solved by a single inpidual To deal with social and economic issues。The design, I mainly chose the three companies to conduct research, namely Alibaba, Tencent and Henkel。 All three companies are in the leading position in their respective industries and actively encourage employees to participate in volunteer service。 The purpose of this design is to draw the general conclusion through the similarities and differences between the three corporate volunteer activities, so that enterprise volunteers can be more effective to promote volunteer service innovation, so as to social responsibility and then create more value for social development。

Keywords: enterprise, employee, volunteer service


一、绪论 5

(一)研究背景 5

(二)意义及目的 6

(三)企业志愿者相关概念 6

(四)研究方法 8

二、企业员工参与志愿服务案例分析 8

(一)关于阿里巴巴员工参与志愿服务分析 8

(二)关于腾讯员工参与志愿服务分析 12

(三)关于汉高员工参与志愿服务分析 16

(四)异同分析 18

(五)问题分析 20

三、动机分析 20

(一)内部动机分析 20

(二)外部动机分析 21

四、价值评估 22

(一)对于个人的价值 22

二、对于企业的价值 23

三、对于社会的价值 24

五、结论和建议 25

参考文献 27


志愿者一词的英文单词是volunteer,来源于拉丁文中的“voluntas”,意思是 “意愿”。联合国对志愿者的定义是“自发为他人、为社会进行公共志愿服务并且其目的不是为了获得任何报酬的参与者”。在1985年的12月17日的第40届联合国大会上通过一项决议,决定自1986年起,将每年的12月5日定为“国际促进经济和社会发展志愿人员日”(International Volunteer Day For Social and Economic Development,简称国际志愿人员日)。 企业员工志愿服务行为研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_82062.html
