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时间:2017-06-06 15:05来源:毕业论文

Study On Brand Building Of Commercial Fitness Club ——As An Example Of Fitness Club Of A Trillion Wade
Abstract: Under the background of the era of rapid economic development, People began to pursuit fitness. Therefore, each kind of commercial fitness club arises at the historic moment. However, the operators do not pay attention to the brand and cultural construction and pursuit quick success. If the commercial fitness clubs want to have better prospects on the development, these problems need to be overcome and resolved through the brand building and culture construction. Therefore, the paper concerning the bad image of clubs, and from the material culture, management system, advertising strategy, the spiritual culture to put forward some beneficial measures of brand building in commercial fitness club industry in order to offer reference.
Key words: fitness club; material culture; management system; advertising strategy; spirit culture; brand building
目 录
引言    1
一、选题目的及研究现状    2
(一)研究目的及意义    2
(二)国内外研究现状    2
二、健身行业品牌建设与市场竞争力的关系    4
(一)健身行业的市场需求分析    4
1、健身消费动机趋于理性化    4
2、健身消费水平不断提高    4
3、消费者对于健身需求个性化和多样化    5
4、健身行业存在巨大的消费潜力    5
(二)健身行业竞争态势分析    5
(三)健身行业品牌建设与市场竞争力的关系    6
三、“一兆韦德健身会所”的实证分析    7
(一)一兆韦德健身会所的背景分析    7
1、一兆韦德会所的总体概况    7
2、完善的商业业态、打造“一站式”休闲服务    7
(二)一兆韦德健身会所的竞争优势分析    7
1、物质建设星级化、科学化、品牌化    7
2、健身项目全面化    8
3、教练水平等级化、国际化    8
4、会员管理系统化    8
(三)一兆韦德健身会所的竞争劣势分析    9
1、员工缺乏归属感    9
2、个性化服务缺失    9
四、“一兆韦德健身会所”品牌建设现状分析    9
(一)会所的容貌以及环境    10
(二)会所的组织机构以及管理制度    10
(三)会所现有的宣传模式    10
(四)会员以及潜在会员中的口碑    11
五、加强健身会所行业品牌建设的有利举措    11 一兆伟德健身会所行业的品牌建设研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_8494.html