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时间:2021-11-20 19:59来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:农村  居民点整理  整理理论潜力  理论潜力系数 

Research on the potential of rural settlement consolidation in Tongshan

Abstract The evaluation of consolidation potential and the optimization of space is the core of the study on settlements in rural areas。 With the development of economy and urbanization, conflicts between the human and land are getting more and more prominent。 Because of this, it is the urgent time to increase the acreage of effective land and improve the efficiency of the use of land resource to relieve stress on the land use。 So the reorganization of the land becomes a new way to increase the area of arable land。 In this paper, we take Tongshan district for example and plan the present situation of land use of settlements in rural areas、the development of economy、 geographical conditions and so on as a whole。We make quantitative analysis on the consolidation potential of settlements in various villages and towns basing on the plan that 2013 is the base year and 2020 is the medium-term of the planning and 2030 is the final phase。 We optimize the space of various villages and towns with the aid of ArcGIS and give overall proposal。 The results show that the center of Tongshan district has a great potential to reorganize during the period between 2013 and 2030。 In other villages and towns with much land and few people, we should make reasonable model to reorganize the settlements in rural areas according to local conditions so that the efficiency of land use and the degree of intensity in rural areas will be improved。

Key words: rural  Residential land consolidation  Consolidation theory potential  Theoretical potential coefficient

目  录

摘要 III

Abstract IV

图清单 VI

表清单 VI

变量注释表 VII

1 引言 1

1。1研究背景和意义 1

1。2 国内外研究概况 1

1。2。1 国内研究概况 1

1。2。2 国外研究概况 2

2 研究区概况 2

3 技术路线及数据来源处理 3

3。1 技术路线 3

3。2 数据来源处理 4

4 研究的方法 4

4。1 农村居民点整理理论潜力 4

4。2 农村居民点整理理论潜力系数 铜山区农村居民点整理潜力研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_85292.html
