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时间:2021-12-03 00:50来源:毕业论文

[摘要] 房地产行业作为一个比较特殊的行业,项目自身以及政策环境变化较多,不可控成分多,拥有高投资、建筑时间长、资金回拢慢、涵盖范围广、技术难度大等特征。营销策略影响房地产开发经营的成败,如何在现有经济环境下打破以往的模式,开创崭新的营销思维,与房地产开发商在现有经济体制下的成败息息相关。基于种种,联系华润置地具体实例研究了公司的营销战略,文章一共六个部分,第一步分析了所选题目的相关背景,接着是营销策略的理论综述;然后对华润置地进行SWOT分析;对华润置地现有营销策略存在的问题及其原因进行分析;对华润置地营销基于4P、4C、4R理论营销策略的选择进行探讨,最后是对文章的总结与展望。75049

[毕业论文关键词] 华润置地;SWOT分析;问题;成因;路径选择

Study on the real estate marketing strategy based on the Huarun group

     Abstract: Real estate industry is not an ordinary industry, project itself and the policy environment is much more varied, controllable components of many, with high investment, long construction time, funds back to the rope slowly, covering a wide range of technical difficulties and characteristics。 The success or failure of the marketing strategy affect the real estate development business, how the existing economic environment break previous mode, and create a new marketing thinking, and real estate developers in the existing economic system and the success or failure are closely related。 Based on specific examples of various, contact the CRC home to the company's marketing strategy, the six parts altogether, the first step analysis the background of the selected topic, and summarizes the theory of the marketing strategy; then carries on the SWOT analysis to the CRC home; CRC home on the existing marketing strategy existing problems and their causes are analyzed; the CRC home to marketing based on 4P, 4C and 4R marketing theory to explore, and finally summary and Prospect of the article。

     Keywords: Huarun group; SWOT analysis; problems; causes; path selection


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景与研究意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状及综述 1

1。国外研究现状及综述 1

2。国内研究现状及综述 2

二、理论综述 2

三、华润置地SWOT分析 3

四、华润置地营销策略存在的问题及其原因分析 4

(一)华润置地房地产公司营销策略分析 4

(二)现有营销策略存在的问题及原因 6

五、华润置地公司营销策略路径选择 7

(一)基于4P理论营销策略的选择 7

(二)基于4C理论营销策略的选择 11

(三)基于4R理论营销策略的选择 13

六、结论及展望 14

参考文献 15

注释 16 


(一) 研究背景与研究意义

2015年房屋销售相当火热,其热销的盛况完全遮掩了原有营销策略的不足。更多的的企业纷纷涌入房地产市场,基本上丧失了理性。假使连三线城市的地产商都开始疯狂建设,却不联系当地人的购房需求。然而受今年金融环境的影响,房地产企业财大气粗,储备金充足,高额的利润以及热销盛况,使得企业大胆囤地。论文网 华润置地的房地产营销策略研究+SWOT分析+4P理论:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_85858.html
