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时间:2022-02-10 22:14来源:毕业论文




Analysis on Why Luxury Stores Close in Nanjing

Abstract In recent years, development of retailing luxury line affected by multiple factors gets into a dilemma situation。Decrease the number of stores has become an important method for companies to cut costs。However, the simple way of closing shop can't alleviate the fundamental problem encountered by enterprises, the luxury goods companies need to set out their own way。

This paper begins from the concept of luxury, then introduce the situation of the Nanjing luxury market and the situation of Durkee II Balenciaga closed shop。 Through using the method of literature research, comparative research method, case study method, this paper expounds a variety of reasons why Balenciaga finally select to close shop。 In combination with the relevant theoretical knowledge and model, we develop reasonable future direction and practical solutions。 We hope to provide some references for the luxury stores which are in similar dilemma, so as to make the correct future development strategy。

Keywords: luxury goods; marketing; offline retail; closed shop

目   录

0 引言 1

1 奢侈品的定义 1

2 南京奢侈品店市场概况 1

2。1南京奢侈品市场介绍 1

2。2南京德基二期巴黎世家经营概况 2

3 南京奢侈品店关店原因探析 2

3。1 运营成本上升 2

3。2 歧视性定价造成消费外流 3

3。3 服务品质和产品品质有待提高 4

3。4 失败的品牌营销 5

3。5 经济增长速度放缓 6

3。6 反腐工作的进行与仇富心理的泛滥 6

3。7 代购、电商的快速发展 7

3。8 假货泛滥 8

3。9 消费观念的转变 9

4 避免南京奢侈品店关店的措施 9

4。1 调整店铺并科学控制成本 9

4。2 调整国内外定价 10

4。3 改进营销方法 10

4。4 塑造和强化品牌文化 11

4。5 研究消费者需求 12

4。6 开发官方网购渠道 12

结 论 13

致 谢 15

参考文献 16

南京奢侈品店关店原因探讨 南京奢侈品店关店原因探讨:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_89545.html
