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时间:2022-06-26 21:11来源:毕业论文

摘  要:目前我国大多数企业员工的离职现象比较严重,所以要特别重视优秀员工的培养,想要留住优秀的员工就要去满足员工的薪酬满意度,而薪酬满意度是由员工的内在薪酬和外在薪酬一起决定的,内在薪酬分为员工对责任感、成就感、胜任感,外在薪酬对就是那些工资、奖金、福利等,所以这些都是影响员工的薪酬满意度,从而影响着员工的离职。满足员工薪酬满意度不仅仅能够降低员工的离职,还有利于对企业人员流动,稳定基层员工有着重大意义,多方面的稳定企业的发展。81746


Research On The Impact Of Employee Turnover In Pay Satisfaction

Abstract:At present the majority of enterprises in China employees turnover phenomenon is more serious。 So, it is necessary to pay special attention to the cultivation of outstanding employees, want to retain good employees to to meet the employees' pay satisfaction, pay satisfaction is by the internal staff salaries and extrinsic compensation together determine the, intrinsic salary points for employees on the sense of responsibility, sense of achievement, competence, external salary is the wages, bonuses, benefits and other, so these are effects on employees' pay satisfaction, thus affecting the employee turnover。 Meet the employee's salary satisfaction is not only able to reduce staff turnover, but also conducive to the flow of enterprise personnel, stable grassroots employees have significant meaning, the development of many stable enterprises。

Key Words: Internal compensation; extrinsic compensation; salary satisfaction。


引言 3

一、薪酬满意度综述 3

(一)薪酬满意度内涵 3

(二)薪酬满意度测量 3

(三)薪酬满意度的影响因素 4

二、员工离职综述 4

(一)员工离职原因 4

(二)员工离职影响 6

三、薪酬满意度对员工离职的影响 6

(一)外在薪酬满意度对员工离职的影响 6

(二)内在薪酬满意度对员工离职的影响 7

四、管理启示与应对 7

(一)企业管理启示 7

(二)企业应对 8

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 12


随着人力资源的不断丰富和发展,人力资源成为当今社会最宝贵的财富、最重要的资源是毋庸置疑的,因为它是推动企业生存和发展的主要动力。正是人力资源的活跃性、积极性、流动性的特点, 才使得公司更加重视优秀员工,然而员工薪酬满意度必须得到重视,不仅仅是重视薪酬多少,也应该重视外在的薪酬制度的管理。优秀员工的流失会为企业带来许多不可避免的负面影响,招聘成本增加、企业机密或者企业核心信息的泄露、影响其他员工的心态等,这些无疑增加了企业的负面影响,同时企业形象也容易破坏,导致招聘新员工的困难。新的员工招不到严重影响企业的发展,所以一个合理的薪酬机制对于员工薪酬满意度是多么的重要,那样也能留住企业的优秀人才,让企业持久发展。文献综述 薪酬满意度对员工离职的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_95651.html
