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时间:2023-04-02 22:59来源:毕业论文

摘要本文以杭州市某小学中段的班级为主要研究对象,通过文献整理、问卷调查、观察研究、 个别访谈等方法对小学中段的班规建设进行了研究,主要涉及班规的制定、内容、实施、作 用等方面。研究发现,目前小学班规建设仍旧是以班主任制定方案为主,学生的诉求难以真 正实现;班规的内容依旧以传统设置为主,缺少发展性;班规制定后很少进行适当的调整, 难以适应学生新的发展。在此基础上,作者从学校的整体治学导向、教师的引导性作用以及 学生自身的发展水平这三个方面对当 W 小学班规建设进行了分析,并以此提出了相应的建议, 希望能为班主任开展班规建设提供一定的借鉴。88148

The classes of Hangzhou W Elementary School in the middle grade are the main object in this paper。 Through literature review, questionnaires, observational study, inpidual interviews these methods, the paper studies the class rules’ construction of middle grade of elementary school, and it mainly related to the formulation, content, implementation, function and other aspects of class rules。 The study founds that the class rules’ constructions are still developed mainly by the teacher, and students’ demand are still difficult to realize; Class rules’ contents are still mainly in traditional setting, and lacking of development; The teachers rarely make an appropriate adjustment after developing class rules, and it is difficult to adapt to the new development of the students。 On this basis, the author of the whole school scholarship guide, guiding role of teachers as well as students' level of development of these three aspects when W Elementary School construction class rules are analyzed, and thus making some suggestions, hoping to provide some references for the teachers to carry out the  construction  of class  rules。


Keyword:   middle   grade of elementary  school; class  rules formulation; class  rules construction; students’ development


一、绪论 4

(一) 背景与源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766意义 4

(二)国内外研究现状和发展趋势 5

(三)研究方法及措施 8

1。研究方法 8

2。研究手段及技术路线 8

3。实验方案 8

二、研究结果与分析 9

(一)班规的制定 9

1。制定班规的主要参与对象 9

2。班规制定后的调整 10

(二)班规所包含的内容 10

(三)学生对班规的执行情况 11

(四)班规的作用 11

1。班规对学生个人的作用 11

2。班规对班级整体的作用 12

(五)学生对班规的建议和期望 13

三、影响当前班规建设的因素 13

(一)学校的整体氛围对班规建设的影响 13

(二)在班规建设过程中教师的引导性作用 小学中段班规建设现状与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_155453.html
