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时间:2023-04-06 22:55来源:毕业论文
大学生性别归因风格和寻求社会支持与帮助的相关研究。大学生在归因风格上,倾向于作努力的内部归因;在遇到问题和困难时,他们乐 于向关系密切的人寻求精神上的理解和支持,也能独立

摘要大学时期是大学生从学校到社会的过渡期,他们不可避免会遇到一些困难和心理问题。 寻求社会支持与帮助对心理健康有重要影响,本研究为探索大学生性别、归因风格和寻求社 会支持与帮助的关系研究。通过问卷调查法,收集了 210 份问卷。结果表明大学生在归因风 格和“寻求有效方法”上不存在性别、年级和学科的差异;“寻求精神支持”和“独立面对 问题和困难”二种行为存在性别上的主效应。归因风格和寻求社会支持与帮助均不存在年级、 性别和学科的交互作用。在归因风格和寻求社会支持与帮助之间,“任务难度归因”与寻求 社会支持和帮助都成显著正相关;“运气归因”和“寻求精神支持”、“独立面对问题和困难” 呈显著正相关;“努力归因”和“寻求有效方法”呈显著正相关;其余不成显著正相关关系。 从总体上看,大学生在归因风格上,倾向于作努力的内部归因;在遇到问题和困难时,他们乐 于向关系密切的人寻求精神上的理解和支持,也能独立面对问题和困难。88276

The university period is the transition period of college students from the school to the society, they will inevitably encounter some difficulties and psychological problems。 Social support and help have important influence on mental health, this study is to explore the relationship between College Students' gender, attribution style and social support and help。 Through the questionnaire survey, 210 questionnaires were collected。 The results show that there is no difference in gender, grade and discipline between attributional style and seeking effective method;the main effects of the two kinds of behaviors: "seeking spiritual support" and "facing problems and difficulties"。 There was no interaction between grade, gender and discipline in the attribution style and social support and help。 In the attribution style and seeking social support and help, "task difficulty attribution" was significantly positively correlated

with social support and help; there is a significant positive correlation between "attribution of luck" and "seeking spiritual support" and "independent facing problems and difficulties";there was a significant positive correlation between "effort attribution" and "seeking effective methods"; there was no significant positive correlation。 On the whole, in attributional style, tend to make efforts in internal attribution; problems and difficulties encountered, they are willing to seek spiritual support and understanding to the close relations between people, also can face problems and difficulties。

毕业论文关键词:大学生; 社会支持; 归因风格

Keyword:  College students; social support; attributional style


1。引言 4

2。研究目的和假设 5

2。1 研究目的 5

2。2 研究假设 5

3。研究方法 5

3。1 研究对象 5

3。2 研究工具和材料 6

3。2。1 人口统计学信息调查 6

3。2。2 归因风格量表 6

3。2。3 寻求社会支持与帮助量表 6

3。3 数据统计源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766分析 6

4。研究结果 6

4。1 关于大学生归因风格和寻求社会支持与帮助的情况 大学生性别归因风格和寻求社会支持与帮助的相关研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_157382.html
