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时间:2023-05-21 20:17来源:毕业论文

摘要代币法是幼儿教师运用较广的一种教育手段。代币法指在儿童完成规定的行为后教师奖励一定的代 币,让儿童积累代币来换取相应奖品的一种强化方式。其中,“心愿奖励法”是一种特殊的代币奖励。 笔者对一所实施“心愿奖励法”的幼儿园采取非参与式观察和非结构式访谈法进行调查,认为,心愿奖 励法与其他代币奖励相比,以满足幼儿的心愿作为刺激手段,从内在促进幼儿自主性发展。但是也存在 一些不足:1。奖励制度不够完善; 2。幼儿对规则理解不到位;3。教师无法准确评分。根据研究结论提出 下列建议:1。让幼儿自主选择奖励;2。丰富奖励的内容;3。重视精神奖励,而不是单纯的物质奖励;4。 完善奖励制度。888867

Abstract Token prize is a means of education which used widely by kindergarten teachers。 Token prize refers to the children after the completion of the teacher rewards certain tokens, let children accumulate tokens for the prize of corresponding a way of strengthening。 ”wish rewards” method is one of special token prize。 The author adopt non participatory observation and a structured interview method to investigate the kindergarten implied "wish rewards method"。The author thinks that, “wish rewards method” compared with other tokens rewards, in order to meet the young children desire to stimulate young children as a means, promote the development of children autonomy。But there are still some problems: 1。the reward system is not perfect; 2 children can’t understand the rules fully。; 3。teachers can not accurately assess integral。 Based on the research conclusion intends to suggest the following advice:1。 teachers should admit children choose their reward; 2。 rich content and form of reward ;3 attaches great importance to the spirit award, rather than material rewards; 4。 improve the system of reward。

毕业论文关键词:代币奖励; 心愿奖励法; 幼儿教师源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Keywords: token prize; wish reward method; preschool teachers

引言 1

一、研究缘起 1

(一)教师奖励幼儿的方式值得审思 1

(二)代币奖励法运用中存在的问题 1

(三)本人的研究兴趣 1

二、研究意义 2

三、概念界定 2

(一)奖励 2

(二)代币奖励 2

四、相关研究现状 2

(一)搜集资料的途径 2

(二)国内外代币奖励研究现状 3

(四)对已有文献的简要评述 4

五、研究设计 4

(一)研究对象 4

(二)研究方法 4

(三)研究步骤 5

“心愿奖励法”的调查 5

一、“心愿奖励法”的具体实施 5

(一)行为目标的制定 5

(二)幼儿心愿的商定 代币奖励在幼儿园的运用心愿奖励法角度:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_169689.html
