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时间:2023-07-16 21:57来源:毕业论文

摘    要在“虎妈”蔡美儿的《虎妈战歌》一书出版后,中西方不同家庭对家庭教养方式引发了争论和关注。中西方家庭都认为家庭教养方式对孩子的成长发展起着重要的影响作用。

在虎妈蔡美儿的家庭教养方式下,两个孩子对学习充满信心,各方面表现优异,被看作同龄人的楷模。笔者在思考探讨“虎妈式教育”(蔡氏)成功的同时,分析杭州市两所小学(H市)学生成长发展的情况,发现:蔡氏以严厉为主,H市以权威为主;蔡氏重激发学生内部动机,H市偏向采用外部动机;蔡氏重技能琴艺培养,H市重智力培养。 89379


Abstract Cai Meier's "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" sounded the attention and debate in the China and the West on the way of family education。 Parenting style has a significant influence on the growth and development of children。

In tiger mother Cai Meier's parenting style,two children are full of confidence in learning, known as the "musical prodigy"。 Through the investigation and comparison of the "tiger mother education" s success and Hangzhou city primary school students' growth and development situation,I found: The former to severe, the latter to the authority of the main; The former is dominant in internal motivation, and the latter is the dominant one; The former is dominant in internal motivation, and the latter is the dominant one; The former heavy skill training, the latter heavy intelligence training。

Based on the analysis of the reasons, family education should enrich family cultural background, renew the idea of family education; To co-ordinate the home school communication channels, forming the school network support; Contact the historical tradition and keep up with the times, Chinese and Western complement proposed each other etc。。

毕业论文关键词: “虎妈式教育”; 小学生; 家庭教养方式; 学业自我效能感

Keywords:  Tiger Mother Education;  Primary school student;  Parenting Style; Academic Self-efficacy

目  录

1 引言 4

1。1 问题的提出 4

1。2 概念界定 5

1。2。1 “虎妈式教育” 5

1。2。2 家庭教养方式 5

1。2。3 学业自我效能感 6

2 研究设计 7

3 调查与结果 8

3。1  调查现状 8

3。2  调查结果 8

3。2。1 “蔡氏”以严厉为主源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 ,H市以权威为主 8

3。2。2 “蔡氏”内部动机主导,H市外部动机主导 9

3。2。3 “蔡氏”重技能培养,H市重智力培养 9

4 分析与讨论 10

4。1 严厉的教养方式促进孩子成长发展 10

4。1。1 严格要求能够激发孩子潜能 10

4。1。2 父母权威限制孩子能力发展 11

4。2 内部动机更能提高学业自我效能感 家庭教养方式与学业自我效能感的关系虎妈式教育引发的冷思考:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_186080.html
