摘 要本研究以杭州市胜利东河幼儿园独生子女为调查对象,自制访谈提纲访谈“全面二孩”政策背景下幼儿对父母生二孩的心理态度并辅以对家长的自制问卷调查的对比分析。研究发现:(1)幼儿对父母生二孩具有明确的心理态度,这种心理态度具有年龄的差异,不具有性别的差异。(2)幼儿不想父母生二孩的原因主要有害怕弟弟妹妹抢走父母的爱与资源,害怕自己照顾不来和觉得麻烦。体现了幼儿思维活动的自我中心性和安全感的缺失。(3)幼儿想父母生二孩的主要原因是性别偏好和社会交往需要。研究建议:(1)了解幼儿对父母生二孩的心理态度,根据幼儿与父母对二孩心理态度的冲突情况,采取恰当的方法,化解冲突。(2)对于幼儿不想要弟弟妹妹而父母想生二孩的情况,我们应先稳定幼儿情绪,弱化幼儿的“唯一性”,通过游戏的方式帮助幼儿克服自我中心性;反思家庭教养方式,弥补幼儿安全感的缺失。(3)对于幼儿想要弟弟妹妹而父母不想生二孩的情况,父母需反思幼儿的同伴群体是否太少,为幼儿创造良好的社会交往环境。89483
This study takes the only child of the Shengli Donghe Kindergarten in Hangzhou as the object of investigation and self-made interview。 From the psychological attitude of the two children to the parents and the interview, it is found that: (1) Children usually have a clear attitude towards their parents to have the second child and the attitude is different by ages but not by genders。 (2) The reason why children do not want their parents to have two children is mainly because the child is afraid of his brother or sister to take his parents' love and resources away。 This attitude reflects the self-centered mind and lack of security of children。 (3) The main reason for children who want their parents to have the second child is the gender preference and social interaction needs。
The research suggests that: (1) Parents should understand the attitude of child about having the second child at home and deal with the conflict between child and parents in proper way。(2) For children who do not want the second child, to avoid them from lack of safety and self-centered, their emotions should firstly be stabled by their parents through the way of playing game to overcome。 (3) For the family with children who want the second child but with the parents who do not want to have two children, parents need to consider if children's peer group is too small and create a good social interaction environment。
毕业论文关键词:幼儿; 全面二孩; 心理态度
Keyword: child; universal two-child policy; psychological attitude
一、 问题提出 4
二、 研究方法 5
(一) 调查对象 5
(二) 调查方法 5
三、 研究结果与分析 6
(一) 幼儿对父母生二孩的心理态度 6
1。幼儿对父母生二孩的意愿的年龄差异 6
2。幼儿对父母生二孩的意愿的性别差异 7
(二) 幼儿想父母生二孩的心理态度 7
1。幼儿对二孩的性别偏好 7
2。幼儿想父母生二孩的原因 8
(三) 幼儿不想父母生二孩的源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 心理态度 8
幼儿不想父母生二孩的原因 幼儿园独生子女对父母生二孩的心理态度调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_189908.html