摘 要:中国是世界上独生子女最多的国家,如何培养独生子女,不仅是我国社会发 展需要面对的问题之一,也是我国当前教育需要直面的重要问题。经济的快速发展使 得城市生活节奏加快,年轻父母的生存以及生活压力逐渐增大,难以空出时间有效照 顾独生子女,因此向正处于退休阶段的父母求助。由于老人的教育观念比较落后,其 很多做法和理念很容易给孩子造成误导,使得孩子在日常生活和学习中养成不良的习 惯。因而,本文从独生子女隔代教育这一话题入手,首先分析隔代教育的内涵及其类 型,并从隔代教育现状着手,结合相关案例,从不同角度分析了隔代教育对独生子女 个性发展的利弊,最后就改善独生子女隔代教育效果提出相应的对策。91617
Abstract : China has the largest population of only child in the world, and how to raise single-child is not only one of the problems that China's social development needs to face, but also an important issue that current education needs to solve。 The rapid development of economy makes urban life rhythm accelerated, the pressure of life of young parents is increasing gradually, spare some time to take care of single-child seems to become an extravagant hope。 In this case, the young parents have no way but ask their parents who are
in retirement for help。 However, the old people's education concept is lagging behind, many of their practices and ideas are easy to mislead children, so that children would develop some bad habits in daily life。 This paper analyses of the connotation and types of intergenerational education,and then proceeds from the present situation of the intergenerational education on only child, combining with cases, analyzing the pros and cons of personality development of only child which the intergenerational education brings, and puts forward some countermeasures。
Keywords : single-child, intergenerational education, personality development, pros and cons
目 录
1 前言 4
1.1 隔代教育的内涵与类型 4
1.2 当代社会需要关注独生子女隔代教育问题 4
2 隔代教育对独生子女个性发展的利弊分析 5
2.1 隔代教育对独生子女个性发展的积极影响 5
2。1。1 祖辈家长有爱心,对孙辈十分喜爱 5
2。1。2 祖辈家长有充裕的时间和精力去照看孩子 5
2。1。3 祖辈家长有抚养和教育孩子的经验 5
2。1。4 祖辈家长心态上更平和稳重 6
2。2 隔代教育对独生子女个性发展的消极影响 6
2。2。1 导致“亲子隔阂”,影响亲子关系 6
2。2。2 重养轻教,施教不当,不利于儿童健康品格的形成 7
2。2。3 两代人教育观念不同,孩子往往无所适从 隔代教育对独生子女个性发展的利弊与对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_199121.html