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时间:2020-04-20 20:26来源:毕业论文


Society needs more and more talented person with the development,and it's so important to cultivate college students.Talent and “aspire”are inseparable.  In traditional Chinese thought, Wang Yangming had unique perspectives on their relations.In Wang Yangming's concepts of talent, the most important thing is “aspire”.This paper systematically analyzes Wang Yangming's educational concept of 

achievements according with their aptitude and the unity of knowledge and action. In this progress,the most important thing is “aspire”,including set the goal of be wiseman and which requests true and concentration. In addition, aim at the current situation of talent training in colleges, this paper points out some reference value to the college students from  Wang Yangming's view on “aspire”.

毕业论文关键词:王阳明; 立志观; 大学生; 志向

 Keywords: Wang Yang-ming; the thought of aspire;  College students;  ambition 

目   录

摘    要 I

一、王阳明关于成才的教育理念 1

(一)“随才成就”的教育观 1

(二)“知行合一”的教育观 2

二、王阳明论“立志”的重要性 2

(一)人生不可不立志 3

    (二)为学之路必立志 3

(三)难在立圣人之志 4

三、王阳明论如何立志 4

(一)“立志”要真切 5

(二)“立志”要专一 5

四、王阳明的“立志”观对当代大学生人生志向培养的启示 6

(一)高校大学生成才面临的问题 6

1.缺乏奋斗目标 6

2.成才观的误区 7

(二)王阳明的“立志”观对当代大学生人生志向培养的启示 7

1.“立志教育”的增设 7

2.“知行统一”的教育 9

参考文献 10

致谢 10

“志”是什么?是诸葛亮的志当存高远,是陈涉的燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉,是曹操的老骥伏枥,志在千里…… “立志”又是什么呢?作为中国历史上少有的集“立言”、“立德”、“立功”三不朽于一身的王阳明,不仅用他的一生很好地诠释了“立志”这个词,而且关于“立志”的观点,他也有着自己独到的见解,立志是是开始,是做好事情的根源。 王阳明的“立志”观对当代大学生人生志向培养的启示:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_50232.html
