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时间:2023-05-02 21:32来源:毕业论文
分析代理记账行业的内部问题和发展趋势。针对行业发展提出相关建议和对策。行业要针对当下面临的问题与挑 战及时做出回应,向着规范化、规模化、多元化、流程化

摘要近年来,代理记账行业从萌芽到被大家熟知到走向正轨,在日益被需要的发展情况中, 行业的一些不规范造成了当下的一种停滞状态。行业准入门槛低,从业人员专业素质不够 高,财务工作服务不到位等问题愈发被显现出来。本文以北京华财会计股份有限公司为例, 通过个案反观行业,针对行业发展提出相关建议和对策。行业要针对当下面临的问题与挑 战及时做出回应,向着规范化、规模化、多元化、流程化的道路健康长久的发展。88570

Abstract In recent years, along with the increase in various industries for small businesses, bookkeeping agency industry from germination to be known to the right, has experienced a long process。 Needs in the bookkeeping agency industry is increasingly developing situation, some non-standard caused the present industry  of a state of stagnation。 Industry admittance threshold low, workers,  professional quality is not high, at present, problems of financial service does not work more apparent。 In this paper, north of Beijing financial accounting co。, LTD。, for example, by working experience in this industry, the actual investigation, visiting communication methods such as analysis of industry's internal problems,  put forward some Suggestions and countermeasures for the industry development。 Bookkeeping agency industry must pay attention to their own problems, strengthen the propaganda and training, improve their overall quality and ability, in view of the facing problems and challenges to respond in a timely manner, towards standardization, scale, and persification, streamline lasting sound development of the road。


Keyword : Bookkeeping agency; Internal problems; The development trend; Countermeasures


引言 5

第一章 代理记账行业发展概述 5

一、代理记账行业From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 的兴起 5

二、代理记账行业概述 5

(一)代理记账定义 5

(二)代理记账行业法律依据 5

(三)代理记账行业业务特色 6

第二章 代理记账行业发展现状 7

一、行业规模服务现状 7

二、法制建设和行业监管现状 7

三、地区经济状况导致行业发展不平衡 7

四、代理记账行业现状特点 7

第三章 北京华财会计股份有限公司现状分析 8

一、 北京华财发展历史与现状 8

二、SWOT 分析法分析华财当今内外部环境 8

(一)北京华财在行业发展中的优势 8

(二)北京华财在行业发展中的劣势 9

(三)北京华财在行业发展中的机遇 9

(四)北京华财在行业中面临的挑战 11

三、华财与同行业其他企业的比较 11

四、基于 SWOT 矩阵模型分析促进北京华财的发展 12

第四章 分析代理记账行业的内部问题和发展趋势+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_163896.html
