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时间:2023-05-02 21:34来源:毕业论文

摘要随着第三产业的发展,会议旅游由于其拥有其逗留时间长、消费水平高、组团规模大、 影响力大,及受季节影响小等的特点,有助于促进城市经济的发展和提高城市的知名度。在 中国,北京、上海、深圳等地由于其经济发展水平高、会展专业人才多、国际知名度高,以 及会议设施完善成为众多国际型会议举办地的首选。而杭州向来有“上有天堂,下有苏杭” 的美誉,其中旅游景点以西湖为主,但由于其国际知名度不高,很少成为会议旅游目的地的 首选目的地。88571

自从 2016 年,杭州成功举办 G20 峰会之后,城市国际知名度大大提高,进入杭州旅游 的旅客大幅度增加,如何在此情况下提高杭州作为会议旅游目的地的竞争力是本篇文章的重 点。本文着重从酒店业、交通业以及旅游景点方面对杭州作为会议旅游目的地城市进行了深 度的剖析,从而对杭州作为会议旅游目的地的提升机制进行研究

With the development of the tertiary industry, conference tourism because it has the long duration, high level of consumption, group size, big influence, and are influenced by seasonal and small features, help to promote the development of urban economy and improve the visibility of the city。 In China, Beijing, Shanghai, and other places, because of its high level of economic development, exhibition professionals, high international reputation, and meeting facilities becomes the multitudinous international conference venue of choice。 And Hangzhou has "above there is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou" reputation of the scenic spots in the west lake is given priority to, because of its international reputation is not so high, rarely a conference destination of choice for tourist destination。

Since 2016, Hangzhou successfully held after the G20 summit, which greatly improve the city international fame a substantial increase of people entering Hangzhou tourism, how to improve the Hangzhou as a meeting in this case the competitiveness of the tourism destination is the focus of this article。 In this paper from the aspects of the hospitality industry, transportation, and tourist attractions in Hangzhou as a conference destination city has carried on the deep analysis, thus to Hangzhou as a meeting to study the mechanism of promoting tourism destination。

毕业论文关键词:会议旅游目的地; 提升机制; 杭州

Keywords:  conference  tourism  destination;  Ascending  mechanism; Hangzhou


一、 引言 5

(一) 选题背景及From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 意义 5

(二) 会议旅游目的地概念 5

(三) 研究内容和目的 6

(四) 研究方法 6

(五) 研究路线 7

二、 文献综述 7

(一) 国外研究现状 7

(二) 国内研究现状 9

(三) 中国的发展现状及趋势 12

三、 杭州作为会议旅游目的地相关现状分析 13

(一) 杭州酒店、会展中心源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 等会议场地现状分析 杭州作为会议旅游目的地的提升机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_163897.html
