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时间:2023-05-08 21:25来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 民间金融; 中小企业发展; 金融共生论; 关系分析

 Abstract Based on the reality of Wenzhou economy, private economy has become the  main part。They are always confronted with kinds of bank loan problems,such as high demand,low amount,short time limit。 However,private finance has simple and flexible procedures,meeting the low financial needs as well as providing sufficient operating funds for small and medium enterprises to ensure their daily operation on capital requirements。 To enhance the role of private finance for small and medium-sized enterprises,making the economy better, faster, stronger,this article will be from the perspective of "symbiosis" ,based on financial symbiosis theory , use the Wenzhou related data on private finance and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and carries on the quantitative analysis, establish econometric model,then use two symbiosis index (degree of symbiosis and coefficient of symbiosis) to further analyze their influence degree。Finally,we can conclude the asymmetrical symbiotic relationship between private finance and small and medium-sized enterprises in reality ,thus to put forward the policy suggestions for their healthy and sustainable development。

Keyword: Private Finance; Small and Medium-sized Private  Enterprises( SMPEs); Finance Symbiosis theory; the Relationship Analysis

目    录

一、 引言 1

二、理论概述及理论应用 2

(一)金融共生理论 2

1、金融共生单位 2

2、金融共生模式 2

3、金融共生环境 3

4、度量指标 3

(1)共生度 4

(2)共生系数 4

(二)在民间金融与中小企业发展关系上的理论应用 4

1、中小企业的资金需求产生民间金融 5

2、民间金融加速中小企业发展 5

3、中小企业的资金缺口拓宽了民间金融资本升值的投资方向与渠道 5

三、温州民间金融与源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 中小企业发展的实证分析 5

(一)样本数据及其处理 5

1、数据选取 5

2、数据处理 6

(二)实证分析过程及结果 7

1、建立模型 7

2、模型检验 8 基于金融共生理论的民间金融与中小企业发展研究以温州为例:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_165430.html
