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时间:2023-05-08 21:35来源:毕业论文
基于循环经济理论下绿色会展的评价体系建设与发展路径优化研究 。通过对绿色会展相关文献的研究,对绿色会展的概念、评价指标体系和发展路径进行评述。研究表明:会展业的发展

摘要近几年我国经济增长中出现的“资源瓶颈”问题,国家政府于第 11 个五年计划中提出要建立资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会。循环经济模式作为可持续发展战略的最佳发展模式被越来越多人重视。在这种模式的指引下,“绿色会展”也就应运而生。同时,杭州市政府为认真贯彻 《国务院关于进一步推进长三角经济社会发展的指导意见》中要先发展会展业,巩固和提升长三角会展副中心的发展战略,提出“绿色会展”战略规划,从而为会展经济的健康发展提供了保障。88670


   In recent years, China's economic growth in the "bottleneck", the state government in the eleventh five year plan proposed to build a resource-saving society and environment-friendly society。 As the best development mode of sustainable development strategy, the circular economy mode has been paid more and more attention。 Under the guidance of this model, "green exhibition" came into being。 At the same time, the Hangzhou municipal government to seriously implement the "first exhibition industry development guidance" of the State Council on further promoting the economic and social development in the Yangtze River Delta, consolidate and enhance the development strategy of Yangtze River Delta Exhibition Center, put forward the "green exhibition" strategic planning, so as to provide a guarantee for the healthy development of exhibition economy。

 Based on the research of the relevant literature, this paper reviews the concept, evaluation index system and development path。 The research shows that: in the development process of the exhibition industry, we must adhere to the path of sustainable development, the use of circular economy theory to guide the operation of the process of resource reduction, recycling, re-use of related issues。 Secondly, it is the basis of building green exhibition to study the evaluation index system of green exhibition based on circular economy。

毕业论文关键词:绿色会展; 可持续发展; 循环经济;评价体系

Keyword: Green exhibition; sustainable development; circular economy; evaluation system

目    录

一绪论 4

(一)研究背景及研究的基本内容 4

1。 研究背景 4

2、研究的基本内容 4

(二)研究意义 5

(1)理论意义 5

(2)实践意义 5

(三)研究思路源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 、框架及方法 6

1。研究思路 6

2。研究框架 6

3。研究方法 6

①文献查阅法 6

②问卷调查法 6

③德尔菲法 6

④信度分析及效度分析 6

⑤层次分析法 7

文献综述 基于循环经济理论下绿色会展的评价体系建设与发展路径优化研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_165433.html
