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时间:2023-05-09 21:23来源:毕业论文

摘要相关政策的支持、物流成本的下降、服务水平的提升、清关流程的优化、电商平台对采 购环节的打通,进一步地缩短了跨境网购的链路。跨境电商,特别是跨境进口电商已经进入 高速发展的时期。由于跨境电商交易中交易主体存在着虚拟性,交易过程存在时差性,交易 结果有着不完全感知性等原因,增强了消费者在海淘中的不确定感觉。跨境网购中存在不确 定性势必会加剧消费者对于购物风险的感知,也进一步影响跨境消费的行为,最终有可能会 放弃跨境电商零售的新消费方式,从而阻碍了新兴跨境电子商务零售的发展。88693

本文拟以消费者感知风险变量的 11 个维度进行分析,然后针对感知风险的变量测量出 的因素和消费者个人因素及消费者购买意愿因素来设计基于感知风险的消费者跨境网购调 查问卷,根据调查的统计数据,运用比例分析法分析出感知风险中对消费者影响比较深的变 量,然后运用 SPSS 对主要的感知风险变量进行相关和回归等分析,得出变量之间的相关程度, 以及对于最终消费者购买意愿的影响强弱。最后针对分析出的结果来对跨境电子商务企业和 政府提出相应的对策。

Abstract :As the the main virtual online trading transactions, incomplete perception of the transaction object, and unsynchronized characteristics of the transaction process, which increase the uncertain feeling of the consumers in the shopping process。 The uncertainty of online shopping exacerbates the consumer’s perception of risk for shopping, but also further affects their online buying behavior, and it’s likely to give up this kind of e-commerce consumer, resulting the development of cross-border e-commerce market to block 。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

In this paper, there are 11 dimensions of consumers' perceived risk variable to analysis, and then measure the perceived risk variable factors ,consumer factors and the factors of consumer subjective feelings。According to the survey, design the questionnaire which based on the perceived risk of consumers shopping online。 By the statistics of the survey, uses proportional analysis method to analyze the perceived risk of consumers deep variable and then analyzes the impact between the perceived risk variable consumer factors, consumer perceptions and ratio analysis by  software。 In the end, against the analysis which are about the perceived risk variables, their impact on consumers and retailers to propose appropriate countermeasures。

毕业论文关键字:跨境电子商务; 新零售; 感知风险; 购买决策

Keyword:cross-border; e-commerce; new retail; perceived risk; purchasing decisions

第一章 引言 4

1。1 研究背景及意义 4

1。2 研究内容 5

1。3 研究的方法 5

1。4 本文的创新点 6

第二章 文献综述 7

2。1 跨境电商及消费者跨境网购行为的研究概述 7

2。2 关于感知风险及其维度的研究 7

2。3 研究存在的问题 8

第三章 感知风险各个维度中测量因素的构建 9

3。1 跨境进口电商中感知风险维度的细分 9

3。2 感知风险各个维度中测量因素的构建 跨境进口电商中消费者的感知风险来源及其影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_165478.html
