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时间:2023-05-07 20:13来源:毕业论文


Abstract   Based on the understanding of the causes of China's rural land circulation, actuality and significance, analyzes the important role model Pinghu mode for rural orderly transfer of land management rights and the construction of agricultural modernization。 And the national pilot "Pinghu rural land circulation management mode as the research object, from the specification of rural land management in rural areas to promote the orderly transfer of land management rights perspective, analyzes the development of Pinghu model, the basic experience and the advantages and disadvantages。 The reasonable and effective measures to learn and absorb, the existing problems and put forward the corresponding suggestion。 In the pilot work of land circulation in Xindai town Pinghu city, Combined with our new initiatives in rural land, a further reflection on China's rural orderly transfer of land。 The orderly transfer of rural land need to innovative thinking, clear ownership of property rights; to strengthen the scientific management of land transfer contract; science to determine the scale of land circulation。


Key words: management rights; land transfer; standardized management; Pinghu model

目    录

一、中国农村土地流转的源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 分析 4

(一)研究农村土地流转问题的起因和意义 4

1、农村土地流转的起因 4

2、研究农村土地流转问题的意义 4

(二)选择“平湖模式”为研究对象的原因 5

(三)农村土地流转当前的现状 5

1、土地流转不规范,普遍存在民间化、口头化、短期化、随意化问题 6

2、土地流转规模比较小,流转效益不高 6

3、农村土地流转服务不到位,缺乏规范化管理 6

二、“平湖市新埭镇农村土地流转规范化管理”模式的考察分析 7

(一)嘉兴平湖模式的概述和发展进程 7

(二)嘉兴平湖模式的基本经验分析 7

1、积极实践,因地制宜,发挥产业优势 7

2、实行多个村庄“整村流转”,制度化操作 7

3、用风险保障金保护农民权益 8

(三)嘉兴平湖模式的优劣势探究 9

1、嘉兴平湖模式的优势 农村土地经营权有序流转问题的探究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_164843.html
