摘 要随着互联网技术的发展,信息传播方式也逐渐以互联网为载体发生新的变化。从纸质媒体到网络,信息的传播范围扩大;从网络到微博、微信,信息传播的个性化和交互性逐渐显现;从微博到如今正在兴起的直播,信息开始可视化、即时交互等方向转变。网络直播作为信息传播和自媒体发展的又一种尝试,带有鲜明的互联网色彩,并以它的娱乐化在人际间传播,2016年呈现爆发式增长。
Abstract: With the development of Internet technology, information dissemination way also gradually produce new change to the Internet as a carrier。 From print to the network, the transmission of information expanded; From the network to weibo, WeChat, information dissemination of personalized and interactive show itself; From weibo until now has been on the rise of live, start visual information, such as real-time interactive direction。 Live webcast as the development of information communication and the media a try again, with bright color of the Internet, and in the entertainment in interpersonal communication, presents the explosive growth in 2016。
Webcast as subject, this article through to the live webcast reasons of emergence and development, the classification of the live webcast in form and content, explore the profit pattern of current mainstream webcast, and through the webcast current development present situation, put forward the development strategy, provide theoretical reference for the live webcast greening continuable development。
毕业论文关键词:网络直播; 盈利模式; 发展策略
Keyword: Webcast; Profit model; Development strategy
1。引言 5
1。1研究背景及意义 5
1。2研究内容 5
1。3本文创新点 5
2文献综述 6
2。2关于网络直播的研究综述 6
2。3关于盈利模式的来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 研究综述 7
2。4总结 7
3。国内网络直播现状分析 7
3。1国内网络直播现状概述 7
3。2国内网络直播内容分类 8
3。3国内网络直播目前盈利模式下营收方式 9
3。4结论 11
4国内网络直播盈利模式分析 11
4。1国内网络直播产业链概述 11
4。2国内网络直播盈利模式类型分析 12
5。国内网络直播的发展策略 16
5。1企业盈利模式与发展策略的关系 16
5。2网络直播行业波特五力模型分析 17
5。3 PGC和PUGC内容探索 17
5。4市场细分 18
5。5优化网络直播产业环境的发展策略 国内网络直播平台盈利模式及发展策略:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_188470.html