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时间:2023-08-26 10:15来源:毕业论文

摘    要马拉松运动这些年来在我国各城市迅猛开展。我们知道举办好一届马拉松对城市的经济发展和文化软实力提升都有着极大的促进作用。基于这个背景,本文对杭州马拉松和亚洲最大的东京马拉松在规模,时间,制度等方面做了比较。相比起举办时间较长的杭州马拉松,东京马拉松仅仅用了六年时间,就跻身于历史悠久的波士顿,伦敦,柏林,芝加哥,纽约马拉松之列,同时也成为了亚洲也是独一无二的大满贯赛事,更是离中国距离最近的大满贯赛事。通过学习借鉴东京马拉松的各项制度,我国本土马拉松也能有更好的发展。89750


marathons are increasingly develping from city to city in China in recent years。 We know that holding a impressive marathon has a great role in promoting on a city's economic development and cultural soft power 。 Due to the background, in this paper, there will have comparisons between the marathon in Hangzhou and Asia's largest Tokyo marathon in size, time, system etc。 Compared to Hangzhou where has a long history in marathon, level of Tokyo marathon caught up with other historic cities, including Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, New York City within six years , at the same time, it became one of most unique contests in Asia, but also the nearest contest from China。 By learning lessons from the Tokyo marathon system and local marathon can also have a better development in our country。

This paper, first of all, will refer to six developed marathons as examples, respectively researches and introduces the present situation, features and events of two marathons 。 This paper will compare and analyze the operative mode of Tokyo and hangzhou marathon with the following aspects: participation and attention, security and facilities, transportation and evacuation, volunteer service, the project Settings。 Eventually, the conclusion is that participation and attention of Hangzhou marathons, event services and medical securityare also insufficient, and suggestion  on optimization of hangzhou marathon。

毕业论文关键词:马拉松; 运作模式; 赛事规模;对比分析

Keyword: marathon; operative mode; Scale of contest;comparative analysis

目    录


1、前言 4

2、世界马拉松大满贯 4

3、杭州马拉松赛 5

3。1杭州马拉松的起源与现状 5

3。2杭州马拉松的特点 5

3。2。1参赛项目的多样化 5

3。2。2是被称为“源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 最美赛道”的比赛路线 6

3。3杭州马拉松的赛事规模 6

3。3。1赛事等级与层次 6

3。3。2参赛运动员数量和规模 6

3。3。3项目设置与路线 7

4、东京马拉松赛 8

4。1东京马拉松的起源与现状 杭州马拉松与东京马拉松运作模式及优化方案研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_195397.html
