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时间:2018-07-12 16:16来源:毕业论文

Whether the changes in the deposit reserve ratio affect the stock price of listed commercial banks in China
Abstract: With the development of China's economy and the improvement of the system, the frequency that The People's Bank Of China adjust the deposit reserve as a means of monetary policy is strengthened. Legal deposit reserve ratio has become an important indicator of China's economic development. Since 2015,the number of times that The People's Bank Of China regulate the legal deposit reserve is as much as 6 times. Adjustment frequently reflects the current economic situation in our country is very grim.
As we all know, the role of the banking sector in China's economy has become increasingly prominent, they also have become the pillar of the economy of the whole country. The change of legal deposit reserve rate affects the banking industry obviously. And, The listed banks is the indicators of A shares in the stock market, so their fluctuations will have a very important impact on the stock market.
Key words: deposit reserve;banking industry;monetary policy;stock price
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key Words    1
引言    1
一、绪论    2
(一)选题背景及意义    2
(二)国内外文献综述    2
1.国外文献综述    2
(1)货币政策与股市波动的关系    2
(2)存款准备金率变动的作用和影响    2
2.国内文献综述    3
(1)货币政策与股市波动的关系    3
(2)存款准备金率变动的作用和影响    3
(3)存款准备金率变动对商业银行及其股价的影响    3
(三)研究目标、方法、内容及主要创新点    4
1.研究目标    4
2.研究方法    4
3.研究内容    4
4.主要创新点    4
(1)选题角度较为新颖    4
(2)选题比较符合国家经济政策的实施,契合大的经济形势    4
二、存款准备金政策理论分析    4
(一)存款准备金政策概述    4
(二)存款准备金政策的特点    5
1.存款准备金政策的优点    5
(1)宣告效应较强    5
(2)具备杠杆效应    5
(3)具有强制性    5
2.存款准备金政策的局限性    5
(1)作用过于猛烈,不能频繁使用    5
(2)不利于资产规模较小的金融机构    5
(3)会影响其他货币政策的适用    5
(三)存款准备金政策的作用    5
1.保证商业银行资金的流动性    5
2.调控货币供应量    5
3.引导公众行决策    5
(四)我国的存款准备金政策    6 存款准备金率变动是否对我国上市商业银行股价产生影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_19592.html