Abstract:On the basis of expounding the concept of low-carbon tourism, using questionnaires and consulting a large number of cases, from a variety of data acquisition cases, a few well-known scenic tourism in Yunnan Province as an example, the development of low-carbon tourism in Yunnan and the existing problems, and put forward the sustainable low-carbon tourism development model and strategic thinking。 Constructing low-carbon tourism management model, clarifying the target and task of low carbon tourism development, realizing the sharing and disposition of low carbon tourism resources, and cultivating the social development of tourism talents from the perspective of tourism management, from point to low carbon tourism, from Yunnan to low-carbon tourism development, analysis of how the government should play low-carbon tourism management functions and how the government should carry out the low-carbon tourism management functions, and hope to be able to play a role effectively。 As an important tourism province in China, tourism income is the main content of GDP economic income of Yunnan province。 Data from the early National Geographic magazine and more than 120 famous tourist photographers in Yunnan show that there are many famous scenic spots in Yunnan, which are listed as one of three low-carbon tourist scenic spots in China。
毕业论文关键词:低碳旅游 ;问题 ;解决办法;云南省
三、低碳资源的认识和源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 低碳旅游资源的保护意识-4
(三) 整体协调性。--6
(八)规划低碳旅游发展 ,实时的发展特色方向-6
(九) 采取低碳行为形成低碳旅游运行模式--6
1 、旅游景区和开发者的行为-6 云南低碳旅游问题探讨:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_196504.html