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时间:2023-10-02 17:49来源:毕业论文

摘    要



The Enlightenment of Brazil resource curse evasion on the development of Shanxi coal resources


Natural resources are the important material basis of economic development, but natural resources will not necessarily bring about high economic growth。Many countries and regions with scarce natural resources are growing faster than those with rich natural resources,for example, the scarcity of resources, but the economic growth of the four Asian Dragons,and Latin American economies with abundant resources but a declining economy,all these phenomena show the importance of the rational exploitation of resources to economic development。In this important context,by studying the experience of developing countries in Brazil in the face of the curse of resources, industrial upgrading policies to stimulate social creativity experience, reference and Enlightenment to the development of coal resources in Shanxi province of China。

 Keyword: Resource curse ;regional economies;coal resource avoidance;industrial upgrading

目    录

目    录 2

一、引言 3

(一)研究背景 3

(二)研究意义 3

(三)文献综述 4

二、巴西自然资源诅咒及规避 4

(一)选择巴西源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 作为借鉴对象的理由 4

1.地理位置 4

2.国土面积 4

3.自然资源 5

4.经济发展水平 5

(二)巴西自然资源概况 5

(三)巴西资源诅咒现象 6

(四)巴西资源诅咒规避措施 7

1.加大人力资本投资 7

2.促进产业结构优化升级 7

3.建立资源基金 7

4.改善资源收入分配不合理 8

5.加大创新投入,促进技术创新 8

三、我国山西省煤炭资源开发现状及问题 8

(一)选择山西作为中国资源开发代表性省份的原因 8

(二)山西煤炭资源开发问题 9

(三)山西煤炭开发资源诅咒原因 9

四、巴西矿产资源管理对山西的启示 9

(一)提高人力资本利用率 10

(二)调整和优化产业结构 巴西资源诅咒规避对我国山西煤炭资源开发的启示:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_196704.html
