A b s t r a c t : the research of international competitiveness of wood furniture is the focus of forestry economy of our country, from the last century since 80s, China will rely on the price advantage beyond the traditional furniture manufacturing power, so the production to cheaper labor countries, such as Chinese, Vietnam and other transfer。 This article from multiple indicators, including international trade competitiveness index , international market share , revealed comparative advantage index , the price of export products , to compare the competitiveness level of China and the world furniture export country, and obtained through some empirical analysis, wood furniture industry in China has a strong competitive advantage in the world。 Abundant labor force is a big advantage of China's wood furniture industry however, in order to strengthen the competitive advantage, is not the key factor of labor force, technology innovation and a stable supply is to consolidate and enhance the competitive advantage of security。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Keywords : Wood furniture, international competitiveness, trade competitiveness index, international market share
目 录
1前言 4
1。1研究背景 4
1。2研究的思路和方法 4
2文献综述 5
3 世界及我国木家具贸易现状 5
3。1 世界木家具贸易现状 5
3。2我国木家具贸易概况 6
4 我国木家具国际竞争力测定 7
4。1 国际市场占有率 7
4。2贸易竞争力指数 9
4。3 显示性比较优势指数 10
5我国木家具产品国际竞争力来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 影响因素的实证分析 11
5。1变量的选取 11
5。2回归模型的建立 12
5。3模型分析与结果解释 12
5。3。1多重共线性检验 12
5。3。2模型拟合度和显著性分析 13
5。3。3回归结果 14
5。3。4主要影响因素识别结果讨论 我国木家具产品国际竞争力影响因素的实证分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_198615.html