摘 要:本文在阐释了绿色壁垒相关概念后,给出了相关绿色壁垒形成的理论基础和WTO规则中提出的SPS协议。其次,根据茶叶出口贸易的情况,梳理了出口竞争优势,综述了绿色壁垒对浙江省茶叶出口积极和消极影响,并用详细的出口数据和图表进行说明。然后举出实行绿色壁垒较为严苛的欧盟和日本为例进行分析,接着建模分析浙江省茶叶出口的比较优势,给出RCA指数和最小二乘的回归分析模型,最后得出浙江省应该着力提升产品质量,打造符合绿色标准的茶叶品牌,不断增强茶产品国际竞争优势,才能使茶叶出口贸易稳步发展。93602
毕业论文关 键 词:绿色壁垒,茶叶出口,竞争优势,浙江省
Abstract: This paper focuses on the influence of green barriers to trade in tea export in Zhejiang Province。 First of all, this paper interprets the concepts related to green barriers and explains the formation of green barrier, which includes the theoretical basis and the SPS agreement of the WTO rules。 Secondly, the paper sorts out the competitive export advantage and summaries both positive and negative effects on tea export in Zhejiang Province related to green barrier。 Also, collect tea export data and charts to describe it in detail。 Then, cite EU and Japan who implement strict green barriers for cases for further analysis。 Thirdly, apply model to analysis Zhejiang Province tea export of competition advantage。 At the same time, use RCA index and least square procedure which to regression analysis to give model。 Finally, this paper concludes that Zhejiang province should make efforts to improve product quality in order to meet the criteria of the green tea standard。 What’s more, it’s necessary to cultivate competitive advantages on tea in order to achieve steady development of tea exports。
Keywords: Green Barriers, Tea products export, competitive advantage, Zhejiang Province
目 录
1 引言 4
2 文献综述 4
3 绿色壁垒的理论 5
3。1 WTO规则中的绿色条款 5
3。2 SPS 协议 5
3。3 茶叶出口遇到的绿色壁垒 5
4 绿色壁垒成因分析 6
4。1 贸易因素 6
4。2 环境因素 6
5 浙江省茶叶结构分析 7
5。1 出口竞争分析 7
5。2 国际环境分析 8
5。3 内部因素分析 8
6 绿色壁垒对浙江省茶叶出口的影响 10
6。1 欧盟、日本利用绿色壁垒对浙江省茶叶出口的负面影响实例分析 11
6。2 绿色壁垒对浙江省茶叶出口的消极影响 13
6。3 绿色壁垒对浙江省茶叶出口的积极影响 14
7 绿色壁垒对浙江省出口影响建模分析 15
7。1 浙江省茶叶出口国际竞争优势RCA指数分析 15
7。2 建模实证分析 16
8 针对绿色壁垒采取的解决办法 18
8。1 建立茶农、政府、茶企业三元机制 浙江绿色贸易壁垒对茶叶出口贸易的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_201475.html