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时间:2024-08-31 09:40来源:96870
如何控制和缓解信用卡的风险,从而提升 信用卡的盈利水平,是目前中国信用卡产业迫切关注和急需研究的课题。



Research on Credit Card Risk Management of Commercial Banks in China

Abstract:With China's economic growth, personal ability to pay and the  accumulation of personal wealth, China's credit card market to show a huge consumer market. With the gradual increase in the number of cardholders and special merchants, credit card risk is also increasing. However, China's credit card business is still in the initial stage, and developed countries, the credit card market is still not the same day, China's credit card business profitability is still very low, and risk management awareness and management level there is still a big gap. So how to control and mitigate the risk of credit cards, thereby enhancing the credit card profitability, is the urgent concern of China's credit card industry and the urgent need to study the subject.

Key words: commercial bank; personal credit card; risk management;

0引言 1

1信用卡风险基本概述 1

1.1信用卡的相关概念 1

1.2信用卡风险概述 1

1.3信用卡产业对社会发展的重要性 2

2我国商业银行信用卡的发展现状 3

2.1我国商业银行信用卡发展历程 3

2.2我国信用卡整体发展现状 4

2.3信用卡业务发展历程及现状(以工行为例) 7

3我国商业银行信用卡存在的风险 9

3.1我国商业银行信用卡风险类型及成因 9

3.2商业银行风险管理存在问题的案例分析 11

4我国商业银行信用卡风险管理的对策建议 13

4.1构建完整的个人征信体系 13

4.2加强信用教育、普及信用卡知识 13

4.3完善银行组织结构与管理体系 14

4.4完善商业银行技术水平 14

4.5建立科学的风险预警机制 14

4.6完善信用卡风险的法律法规 15



参考文献 18



当今社会,信用卡已经与我们的日常生活如影随形,在社会主义市场经济发展的大背景下,我国的信用卡行业正以迅雷不及掩耳之势蓬勃发展着,信用卡行业的繁盛之景,是同当今社会人民生活水平的提高以及金融行业的相关政策密不可分的。信用卡的普及便利了我们的日常生活,促进了消费,也推进了国民经济这个大齿轮的快速运转。但机遇往往是同挑战并行的。随着信用卡在人民大众之间的盛行,其弊端也愈加明显起来。所以,对信用卡风险管理的研究与讨论有着理论与现实迫切的研究需求。 我国商业银行信用卡风险管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_204619.html
