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时间:2023-10-12 22:05来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着中国市场经济的深化和经济体制改革的深入,小微企业在中国的国内生产总值 已经在国民经济中占比过半,成为促进中国社会经济发展方式转型的关键。但小微企业也 面临许多问题,融资困难已成为其制约其生存和发展的主要因素。在互联网快速发展的时 代,互联网与金融的结合为小微企业开辟了新的融资领域。本文首先阐述了小微企业在融 资方面存在的问题,进而说明互联网融资能给小微企业带来的优势和劣势,并对传统融资 和互联网融资的成本进行了分析,最后得出解决这些问题所需要的对策和结论,为小微企 业今后的融资提供参考。85714


Abstract:Along with deepening of market economy and deepening of economic system reform,the GDP of small enterprises in China have accounted for more than half in the national economy,has become the key to promote our country social economy development way transformation。But small micro enterprise is faced with many problems,the financing difficulty has become the main factors to limit its survival and development。In what is now the era of big data and cloud computing,the collision of Internet and financial provides a new small micro enterprise financing channels and train of thought。In this paper,from the background of micro enterprise financing difficulties,using the related theory of finance and small levy enterprise cool analysis method of combining the reality of it is concluded that the small micro enterprise financing difficult reason,combining with the characteristics of small micro enterprise itself and summing up the advantages of the application of the Internet for financing and likely to encounter risks。Finally,it is concluded that the conclusion of the paper,and made a prospect。In order to small micro enterprise financing in the Internet provides experience and reference。

Keywords:Small micro enterprise,the Internet,financing,the problem,countermeasures


1 引言 3

1。1 研究背景及意义 3

1。2 小微企业的界定 3

1。3 互联网金融的界定 4

1。4 企业融资相关基础理论 4

2 小微企业融资难问题及原因 5

2。1 融资缺口难以弥补 5

2。2 获得信贷难度大成本高 6

2。3 贷款利率高 6

2。4 贷款纠纷多 7

2。5 影响国家金融宏观调控 7

3 小微企业互联网融资源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 的优势 7

3。1 促进借贷双方信息交互 7

3。2 符合小微企业融资需求 8

3。3 降低小微企业融资成本 8

3。4 拓宽小微企业融资渠道 9

3。5 降低银行信贷违约风险 9

4 小微企业互联网融资的劣势 9

4。1 法律监管难,政策风险大 9

4。2 技术风险控制难 10

4。3 信用风险巨大 10

4。4 互联网金融融资盈利难 10

4。5 经营风险大 小微企业互联网融资问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_197364.html
