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时间:2018-10-17 11:48来源:毕业论文

A Survey on Farmers' Land Transfer in Jiangsu Province: Comparison between Migrant Households and Non-migrant Households
Abstract: The usual rural sample survey includes farmer land transfer surveys, mostly with farmers as sampling targets. But the survey is easy to miss the farmers who have migrated to urban areas. In order to correct the possible errors, this study investigated the contractors whose contracted land were sampled, and obtains the land transfer information of the contractors who can not be interviewed through representatives’ answers. The paper tries to understand the current situation of the contractor flow roundly, to compare land transfer behaviors of the visitors (non-migrant households) and the representative households (migrants) systematically , and to reveal the errors that missing samples may bring. In addition, due to the analysis found that "renqing rent" in the rural land transfer market is widely accepted, the paper tests the impact of "renqing rent" factors preliminarily. A survey of 18 counties and 66 villages in Jiangsu Province finds: first,both the acreages and quantities of transfer-out land of migrants are higher than those who do not migrant, and most migrants transfer all of their land out. Second, analyzing the personal behavior characteristics in the land transfer transaction of migrants and non-migrants from the view of plot, find that migrants are more inclined to choose friends and relatives as the object of land transfer and not taking rent,which is accounting for 23.54%. Third , the study of missing migrants would result in overestimating the transfer-out land, and underestimating the transfer-in land. Forth, the empirical analysis shows that the migration will have a significant positive impact on the area and quantity of the transfer-out land, and the migrants are more likely to transfer all of their contracted areas out.  Many migrants do not have the idea of signing a lease..At last, the paper concludes the policy revelations: the government needs to regulate the land transfer market, and help it better develop and improve. Meanwhile, it is necessary to arouse peasants’ awareness of signing contracts.
Key words: Land Circulation; Migrants; Land Trade market
目  录
Key words2
一、绪论    2
二、研究对象、调查方法和样本结构    3
(一)研究对象    3
(二)调查方法    3
(三)样本分布与结构    4 江苏农户承包地流转调查分析迁移户与未迁移户的对比:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_24256.html