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时间:2020-03-06 20:49来源:毕业论文

ABSTRACT Generally speaking, overseas investment is regarded as enterprise development strategy only large Multi-National Corporation can do it. But for Chinese, small and medium-sized enterprises accounted for a large proportion of the total number of enterprises, so the study of small and medium-sized enterprises overseas investment has great significance.
From the reform and opening up, China's small and medium-sized enterprises have made rapid development, small and medium-sized enterprises in a more important position in China's market economy, has become an important force for economic development, with the reform and opening up and the continuous deepening of economic globalization, many small and medium-sized enterprises have started overseas development road. Has made great progress in foreign trade, so Chinese enterprises in overseas development depends on China's small and medium enterprises in the development of the overseas investment. But the small and medium-sized enterprises in foreign investment, there are still many problems, only to solve these problems, small and medium-sized enterprises will get better development in overseas. The future of small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the process of economic globalization will. This paper mainly expounds the basic theories of the foreign direct investment of Chinese enterprises, analyzes the current situation of China's small and medium-sized enterprises in overseas investment and the existing problems, and the existing problems, put forward countermeasures should be taken in the small and medium-sized enterprises in overseas investment.
Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises;overseas investment;economic globalization;Countermeasures
目  录
第一章  绪论    1
  1.1选题意义和目的    1
  1.2研究内容及方法    2
第二章  我国中小企业海外投资相关概述    3
  2.1基本概念    3
  2.2对外投资相关理论    3
第三章  我国中小企业海外投资发展现状与存在问题    5
  3.1我国中小企业海外投资现状    5
  3.2我国中小企业海外投资存在的问题    7
第四章  中小企业海外投资案例分析—以万向集团为例    9
  4.1万向集团的发展历程    9
  4.2万向集团国际投资的成功亮点    10
  4.3万向集团海外投资总结分析    11
第五章  我国中小企业海外投资的对策措施    12
  5.1中小企业自身层面    12
  5.2政府层面    14
结束语    15
致谢    16
参考文献    17
第一章  绪论 我国中小企业海外投资现状与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_47606.html