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时间:2021-09-23 21:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:新能源汽车;发展趋势; 对策研究

Research on the Current Situation, Development Trend and Countermeasure of New Energy Vehicle Market in China

Abstract:New energy vehicles in the 19th century was born at the beginning of a development, but later because of immature technology and other reasons leading to the development of stagnant, fossil fuels as the main energy of the traditional car gradually occupied the vast majority of the automotive market Share。 Until the beginning of this century, in the oil crisis and environmental crisis and the development of science and technology under the multiple influence, the new energy vehicles are rejuvenated, and gradually moving closer to the automotive industry, many Western countries such as the United States and Europe and other focus on research and development of new energy vehicles and The initial results。 China's new energy vehicles started relatively late, coupled with China's industrial base is relatively weak, consumers lack of understanding of new energy vehicles led to the new energy automotive market in China, the development of slower。 This paper mainly studies the current situation of the new energy vehicle market at home and abroad, discusses the advantages of the new energy vehicle to the traditional automobile, and the shortcomings of the new energy vehicle market in our country, and explores the development direction of the new energy automobile market from the reality of our country。 Give the appropriate advice。

KeyWords: new energy vehicle; development trend;Countermeasures


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1、 世界新能源汽车产业发展迅速 1

2、 世界各国政府大力扶持新能源汽车发展 1

3、我国新能源汽车产业发展滞后 1

(二)研究的意义 2

(三)研究内容 2

(四)研究方法 2

1、文献研究法 2

2、调查法 3

3、定性分析法 3

二、国内外新能源汽车发展现状 4

(一)国外新能源汽车市场的发展现状 4

(二)我国新能源汽车市场发展现状 4

(三)新能源汽车市场的发展趋势 5

三、我国新能源汽车市场的不足 6

(一)基础配套设施不完善 6

(二)技术成熟度低,缺乏优质的产品 我国新能源汽车市场的现状发展趋势及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_82052.html
