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时间:2022-03-05 09:43来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In recent years, huaian automatically accept southern jiangsu and Shanghai economic radiation, actively undertake industrial transfer in Yangtze river delta, on the rapid development of electronic information industry。 In this context, further analyzing the industrial chain of huaian electronic information industry transfer, help to understand the trends and characteristics of industry cluster。 Article analysis from the Angle of industry chain transfer on the electronic information industry cluster, first of all, based on industry chain analysis on electronic information industry development phase, the elaboration on electronic information industry chain; Secondly using location quotient to analyze on the electronic information industry cluster, and illustrates the internal connection to the huaian electronic information enterprise, draw on electronic information industry cluster has been formed, but the technology is still in the low-end product structure, industry chain is not complete。 Finally, huaian how to further development of electronic information industry, preliminary Suggestions are put forward。

Keywords: huaian, electronic information industry, industrial transfer, industrial cluster

目   录

1  引言 4

2  产业链转移与产业集群概述 4

研究区域与数据来源 5

4  淮安市承接电子信息产业链转移分析 6

4。1  淮安市电子信息产业发展历程 6

4。2  淮安市电子信息产业链转移分析 7

5  淮安市电子信息产业集群发展现状 12

5。1  淮安市电子信息产业集群分析 12

5。2  淮安市电子信息产业集群内部联系 13

6  结论及政策含义 14

6。1  结论 14

6。2  政策含义 15

结   论 16

参 考 文 献 17

致 谢 18

1  引言

作为长江三角洲地区电子信息产业的重要组成部分,江苏省电子信息产业保持快速发展。这几年来,淮安市把握时机,主动融入长三角区域,自动接受苏南以及上海的经济辐射,积极承接产业转移。从2006年开始,大量台商将投资的目光转向淮安,在淮安投资办厂,淮安市的电子信息产业从此快速成长,逐渐改变了淮安电子信息产业多年来的落后局面。2013年淮安市根据规模化、高端化、特色化发展思路,计划梳理出重点发展的“4+2”特色产业,使得电子信息产业成为淮安市重点发展的四大千亿元产业之一[1]。 淮安市承接电子信息产业链转移分析和产业集群发展现状:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_90560.html
