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时间:2018-03-21 16:28来源:毕业论文

关键字  酒店搜索  携程接口  java   XML解析

Title   Design and implementation of travel plans Network Hotel Search        
With the rapid development of China's national economy, People for the quality of life has a higher requirement. Holiday travel tourism has already become a hot spot for human consumption. Currently, most tourist sites just belong to some travel agencies ,and just offer their own tours and offer, for those who prefer to drive,exercise is undoubtedly a constraint, so what better to provide for the people and make they have a personalized travel which is more convenient and have more choices, that is the goal of this subject.
Design and implementation of travel plans are pided into air tickets, hotel search, attractions search modules. In this paper,we mainly study the hotel search module. The system using java development, inherited the java "write once, run anywhere" advantages. At the same time ,the system adopt in the JSP application development technology,with searching all hotels in the destination city, and you can view the services the hotel offers . Get hotel information mainly through sending HTTP request body to website Ctrip interface , and return XML file for us ,then parsing XML .Eventually get instant hotel relevant information.
Keywords  hotel search  Ctrip Interface   java   XML parsing

1  绪论    1
1.1  课题背景    1
1.2  研究现状    1
1.3  主要工作    2
1.4  本文结构    3
2  相关工具及技术    4
2.1  MyEclipse简介    4
2.2  Tomcat服务器    4
2.3  JSP技术    5
2.4  XML解析    5
2.5  携程酒店API    6
3  需求分析与设计    10
3.1  用户需求    10
3.2  系统设计    10
3.2.1  功能模块    10
3.2.2  工程结构    11
4  系统实现    13
4.1  注册携程联盟    13
4.2  酒店查询    13
4.2.1  HotelSearch请求体    15
4.2.2  XML树形结    17
4.2.2  HotelSearchXML的解析    19
4.2.3  输出及功能演示    22
4.3  酒店详情查询    24
4.3.1  HotelInfo请求体    25
4.3.2  HotelInfoXML的解析    25
4.3.3  输出及功能演示    27 旅行计划网的设计与实现酒店搜索模块:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_11525.html