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时间:2020-05-11 20:08来源:毕业论文
采用B/S架构进行开发,应用ASP.NET开发平台,开发工具采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,后台编程语言采用C#编程语言来进行开发,数据库是采用SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统

摘要: 目前在国内,有很多的餐厅点菜都是采用顾客到店排队的方式点菜,这种方式既增加了餐厅的营销成本,也增加了交易的复杂性。开发一套在互联网上进行菜品销售的平台非常有必要。在这样的背景下,国内已经出现了很多类似的网站,顾客直接从网站上点菜,这种方便快捷的点菜方式,使餐厅吸引了更多的消费者前来消费。本次的无线点菜系统实现了网上点菜的功能。系统共包括四大模块:普通用户模块,在线点菜模块,订单查询模块,管理员模块。分别实现了前台客户注册,前台客户登录,餐品信息查询,无线点菜,订单结算,订单操作管理,餐位信息查看等功能模块。本系统采用B/S架构进行开发,应用ASP.NET开发平台,开发工具采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,后台编程语言采用C#编程语言来进行开发,数据库是采用SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统。应用本系统能够给用户提供完整的点菜服务。48708

毕业论文关键词: 在线点菜;数据库;ASP.NET;C#语言;SQL Server

The design and implementation of wireless ordering system

Abstract: Currently in China,there are many restaurant are based on customer queuing way to shop order dishes, in this way not only increasing the restaurant's marketing costs, but also increased the complexity of the transaction. Develop a set of dishes on the Internet sales platform is necessary. In this context, there have been many domestic similar sites, customers ordering directly from the site, the a la carte convenient way to make the restaurant to attract more consumers to spend. The wireless ordering system to achieve an online ordering function. System includes a total of four modules: general user module, online ordering module orders inquiry module, the administrator module. Respectively, to achieve the foreground customer registration, customer login foreground, food products information inquiry, wireless ordering, order billing, order management operations, seating See other functional modules. The system uses the B/S architecture developed application ASP.NET development platform, development tools using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, using the background programming language C # programming language to develop,the database is to use SQL Server 2005 database management system. Application of the system can provide the user with a complete a la carte service.

Keywords: Online ordering; database; ASP.NET; C # language ;SQL Server


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

2 系统分析 4

2.1 实现目标 4

2.2 可行性分析 4

2.2.1 需求可行性 4

2.2.2 技术可行性 5

2.2.3 操作可行性 5

2.3 关键技术研究 5

2.3.1 ASP.NET 技术框架 5

2.3.2 B/S架构介绍 6

2.3.3 C/S与B/S区别 6

2.3.4 关系型数据库 7

2.4 系统性能需求 7

2.5 系统设计原则 8

3 系统总体设计 asp.net+sqlserver无线点菜系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_51390.html
