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时间:2024-04-15 22:13来源:毕业论文

摘要在国际海运行业中,世界各国对散货船的需求也日益增长,每年有 20 亿吨左右 的散货投入市场,货物总运输量约有 40%由散货船承担。散货船与集装箱船、油船作 为当今的三大主流船型之一,依靠其货物运输量大、较为固定的航线、高效的装卸效 率,逐渐成为运输船舶队伍的中流砥柱。散货船的发展主要朝双壳化、大型化、多用 途化等方面发展,在满足安全性、工艺性和经济性等基础上,船舶的节能与环保性能 备受国内外关注及研究。95173

本篇论文以 104。6m 沿海散货船作为研究对象,首先阐述其结构特点,结合规范 要求对该船进行设计,绘制典型横剖面图与基本结构图,并按照《钢质海船与入级建 造规范》(2006)对船体外板及构件进行规范计算。通过对计算结果的分析,修改不 满足规范的构件,以求达到最合理的设计。最后对整船进行总纵强度计算,判断是否 满足强度要求。此外,本文也介绍了设计时的一些创新设计,总结出提高结构稳定性 的结论与个人感悟。


Abstract In the international maritime industry, the world's demand for bulk carriers is also growing, each year about 2 billion tons of bulk cargo into the market, the total cargo traffic of about 40% by the bulk carrier。Bulk carriers and container ships, oil tankers as one of today's three major mainstream ship, relying on its cargo transport capacity,more fixed routes, efficient loading and unloading efficiency, and gradually become the mainstay of the transport ship team。The development of bulk carriers is mainly developed in the areas of double shelling, large-scale,multi-purpose and so on。On the basis of satisfying safety, process and economy, the energy saving and environmental protection performance of ships have been paid attention and studied at home and abroad。

This paper takes the 104。6m coastal bulk carrier as the research object, first elaborates its structural characteristics, combines the specification requirements to design the ship, draws the typical cross-sectional view and the basic structure diagram, and in accordance with the "steel ship and the class construction Specification "(2006) on the hull outside the plate and components to regulate the calculation。 Through the analysis of the results of the calculation, modify the components do not meet the norms in order to achieve the most reasonable design。 Finally, the total longitudinal strength of the whole ship to calculate whether to meet the strength requirements。 In addition, this article also introduced some of the design of innovative design, summed up the structural stability of the conclusions and personal insights。

Key words:Coastal bulk carriers;Structural characteristics;Green environmental protection; Normative calculation;Total longitudinal strength


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 散货船的发展、分类及趋势 1

1。3 结构设计方法 3

第二章 “鑫武 56”船体结构规范设计计算 4

2。1 货舱区结构计算 4

2。1。1 外板 4

2。1。2 甲板 9

2。1。3 双层底 11

2。1。4 舷侧骨架 15

2。1。5 甲板骨架 18

2。1。6 水密舱壁 22

2。2 机舱区域 104.6m沿海散货船鑫武56船体结构规范设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203430.html
