
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 机械论文 >


时间:2024-05-09 22:22来源:95335



Abstract:Welding equipment is a kind of mechanical equipment, assembly in order to reduce the time consumed in the auxiliary and subsequent additional work, in order to improve the welding efficiency and quality, plays an important role in the welding as the main process in the manufacturing process. This graduation project has mainly analyzed the working principle of the ring welding machine, and studied the whole layout and structure of the device. After fully considering several design ideas, the best scheme is selected. Based on this, the power system, transmission system, supporting system and connecting device of the reaction tank are designed. Finally, the three-dimensional modeling is completed. Its strength meet the design conditions and components, reasonable arrangement of the space, simple structure, can be widely used in all kinds of welding machinery and equipment to improve labor productivity, its reasonable design and wide application of the smooth realization of welding process is of great practical significance.

Keywords:Reaction tank;Mechanical equipment ;Solidworks;3D modeling


第一章 绪论 1

1.1焊接的概述 1

1.2焊接机械设备的介绍 2

1.3研究的目的和意义 2

1.4研究现状和发展前景 3

1.5国内外发展对比 5

第二章总体方案设计 8

2.1基本结构与分类 8

2.2基本方案的对比与选择 10

2.3总体设计 12

2.3.1传动部分的设计 12

2.3.2焊件连接装置的设计 13

2.3.3底座框架的设计 13

2.3.4工作流程 14

第三章 电动机的选型 15

3.1总阻力距的计算 15

3.2型号选择 16

3.4运动和动力参数的计算 17

第四章零部件的设计 18

4.1摆线针轮减速器选型 18

4.1.1摆线针轮减速机的特点 18

4.1.2摆线针轮减速机的传动原理 18

4.1.3型号选择 18

4.2蜗轮蜗杆减速器的设计 19

4.2.1初选[d1/a]值: 19

4.2.2中心距的计算 钛白粉反应罐焊接机械系统的设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203741.html
