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时间:2024-07-24 23:10来源:95972










Abstract:Offshore platform is a huge mining tool consists of all kinds of equipment and materials, because of its large and complex, calculated the weight and center of gravity in the design stage of offshore platform, and platform after the completion of the actual weight and center of gravity tend to have certain differences, these errors are inevitable. The stability of offshore platform and the platform weight and has an extremely important link, the two together, so the tilt test in offshore platform built after all, in order to accurately determine the weight and center of gravity position. Not only can be used to calculate the stability of the platform, but also provide a reliable reference for the design of the same kind of offshore platform. Therefore, the purpose of the tilt test is to determine the weight and center of gravity of the offshore platform. In order to determine whether or not the stability of the offshore platform in the sea. The main work of this paper is as follows:

1, To collect information, understand the content of the project, determine the technical program and complete the report

2, Calculate the weight of empty ships and their composition;

3, Familiar with cantilever slip method;

4, The use of pendulum method and U-tube readings to calculate the heel angle; 5, Calculate the initial stability and center of gravity position;

6, Free liquid surface correction;

7, Complete the numerical calculation and record and write papers。

Keywords: ship, jack-up platform, tilt test, weight, center of gravity


第一章 绪论 1

1.1倾斜试验学术背景及其理论与实际意义 1

1.2国内外文献综述 1

1.3本课题主要研究内容和方法 3

第二章倾斜试验注意事项 5

2.1试验过程以及注意事项 5

2.2倾角计算公式 7

2.3检验线 7

第三章CJ50型自升式钻井平台介绍倾斜试验实例 10

3.1CJ50型自升式钻井平台介绍 10

3.1.1船体的主要尺寸有 10

3.1.2腿和桩靴 10

3.1.3直升机甲板、悬臂及原水立管 CJ50型自升式钻井平台倾斜实验:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204377.html
