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时间:2024-07-31 21:18来源:96125



Abstract:It is an important measure to ensure the safety of the personnel on board the ship.This paper mainly explores the selection and design of public lifesaving equipment and

personal life-saving equipment for 23000DWT bulk carriers.In the study of relevant knowledge, mainly on the SOLAS Convention carried out in-depth study of the regulations on the international waters of the ship's life-saving equipment requirements have a profound understanding, and then combined with ship equipment and other basic knowledge, Generally mastered the ship life-saving equipment matching principles and design principles.And then through the relevant literature, summed up and sorted out the life-saving equipment on how to match, layout, the basic requirements of various types of shipbuilding, through the study of bulk carriers, the overall grasp of life-saving system requirements and applied to other ship type.There are several different schemes for the selection of the lifeboat of the ship. After the consideration of safety and economy, it is decided to meet the requirements of the regulations and rules. Based on this scheme, Rafts and inpidual life-saving equipment are selected and arranged.And then according to the mastery of the life-saving equipment and layout design knowledge, a brief description of their other types of life-saving equipment need to pay attention to the aspects of understanding.

Keywords: ship, life saving equipment, matching, layout design


第一章绪论 1

1.1船舶救生设备概述 1

1.1.1船舶救生设备简介 1

1.1.2几种国际上通用的船舶救生设备的主要类型: 2

1.2SOLAS公约对救生设备要求概述 2

1.2.1环境温度的要求 2

1.2.2制造工艺和材料的要求 2

1.2.3布置要求 3

1.2.4使用要求 3

1.3救生设备的发展现状及趋势 4

1.423000DWT散货船简介 5

1.5本文设计内容及设计思路 5

第二章救生艇筏、救助艇及个人救生设备简介 6

2.1救生艇的简介及其配置方面的要求 6

2.1.1救生艇类型简介 6

2.1.2救生艇的降落方式 23000DWT散货船救生设备选配及布置设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204412.html
