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时间:2024-07-31 21:21来源:96126



Abstract:In this study,through the relevant information,selecting the size of the hull component for the designing ship,and check the hull longitudinal strength according with the relevant provisions.This study first discusses the research status, structural characteristics and the basis of this study.Followed discusses some of needs which has fufilled that the navigation area, hull performance and the overall layout and so on.In the following,according to the relevant specifications,selecting the main components of the ship for the designing ship.For example, the cargo area of the bottom of the ship and the side of the main components, the relevant components of bow,stern and deck.Finally, based on the previously selected hull components,checking the overall longitudinal strength of the hull according to the norms.The author after finished the above series of calculations, the design of the ship meet the relevant provisions of the total longitudinal strength, so the author believes that this design meet the requirements of graduation design.

Keywords:container and bulk cargo dual purpose ship;structure design; map of basic construction profile and plan; map of the midship section.


第一章绪 1

1.1集散两用船的研究现状 1

1.2集散两用船的特点 1

1.3结构设计概述 1

1.3.1结构设计的依据 1

1.3.2.结构设计任务 2

1.3.3.结构设计的方法 2

1.3.4.规范设计的基本步骤 2

1.3.5.结构布置的一般原则 3

第二章船体说明书 4

2.1概述 4

2.2船体总体 4

2.2.1船舶用途及航区 4

2.2.2船型 4

2.2.3规范 4

2.2.4主要尺度及参数 4

2.2.5布置概况 4

2.3船舶性能 5

2.3.1静力学性能 5

2.3.2快速性 5

2.3.3操纵性 5

2.4船体结构 5

2.4.1概述 5

2.4.2主要构件尺寸 5

2.5船体舾装及内装 6

2.5.1锚设备 6

2.5.2系泊设备 6
